Revised Publication Schedule And Format (April 2014)

Here is an important second update on the finale of The Angel Brings Fire series of books.

As some of you know, it had been my intention to complete the series by the end of 2013.

Unfortunately, circumstances have conspired to make this impossible; I have run into a number of personal crises, particularly a major power failure in the Greater Toronto Area during the 2013 Christmas holiday season, plus various home repair and job issues which required my immediate attention, plus a host of other travails severe and mundane, that will likely push the publication of the final book(s) of The Angel Brings Fire, into 2014.

The other change has to do with the format of the series, and as you read what follows, please keep in mind that this change is purely and simply due to page count restrictions having to do with the printed (paperback) versions of the books – if The Angel Brings Fire was being published exclusively as an e-Book series, the situation would be much different.

The Angel Brings Fire series will end at Book #4, entitled (new!) Children of The Fire.

The Future Burns Bright will now be a second series of novels (2 to 3 books, each with an individual name), explaining what happens after the end of The Angel Brings Fire.

The total page count of the entire series will not be significantly more than it always would have been; I’m only doing this to have an appropriate narrative end-point at the end of each series, along with trying to fit each individual book’s page-count into something that my publishers can actually print.

So, the complete series will be :

The Angel Brings Fire

ABF Book #1 : Angel of Mailànkh (unchanged except new cover art).

ABF Book #2 : Doubt Me Not (unchanged except new cover art).

ABF Book #3 : Angel and The Empire (unchanged).

ABF Book #4 : Children of The Fire (Editorial work is complete on this book; it will be published shortly.)

The Future Burns Bright

FBB Book #1 : Title T.B.A. (Editorial work is complete on this book.)

FBB Book #2 : Title T.B.A. (as of now, about 90% complete.)

FBB Book #3 : Title T.B.A.

Please let me take this opportunity to thank all of my readers for your patience, in dealing with this revised schedule and layout. Within the limits of having to price the printed versions of the book so that I don’t sell them at a loss, I’ll try to keep the price of the extra volumes as low as possible, to accommodate those of you who were expecting a shorter series.

The main consideration in my mind has always been for The Angel Brings Fire and The Future Burns Bright to be the exciting and compelling stories that I have had in my head since my childhood days; I will settle for nothing less, and neither should you.

Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire and The Future Burns Bright