A number of readers have been asking me, “I can’t wait to find out what happens next… when is the next book in the series going to be published?”
Here (as of September 29, 2011) is the projected publication schedule… note that (needless to say) this is subject to change at any time without notice :
Book 1 (Angel of MailĂ nkh) : As of September 29, 2011, fully published (and available in paperback via Amazon and the ABF Website, available in e-Book format from Amazon / Kindle, Lulu, iTunes and the ABF Website).
Book 2 (Doubt Me Not) : As of September 29, 2011, available in e-Book format from Amazon / Kindle, Lulu, iTunes and the ABF Website. Paperback copies should become available from Amazon and the ABF Website on or around November 1, 2011 (but this is very dependent on final print proofing and order shipping issues).
Book 3 (Angel And The Empire) : Manuscript is complete but still needs to be edited, proof-read, corrected, etc.. Expected publication date : Mid-March, 2012.
Book 4 (The Future Burns Bright, Volume 1) : Manuscript is complete but still needs to be edited, proof-read, corrected, etc.. Expected publication date : October 1, 2012.
Book 4 (The Future Burns Bright, Volume 2) : Manuscript is approximately 70% complete but is still very subject to revision. Expected publication date : Mid-March, 2013.
As a side-note, I have also been asked, “why do you have a ‘Volume 1’ and ‘Volume 2’ for the last book of the series, as opposed to just having a ‘Book 5’, or as opposed to just having a larger ‘Book 4′”.
The reasons behind this are involved… it comes down to the fact that there is a hard limit of around 500 pages per single paperback book that can be printed by the POD publishers, and were I to try to shoe-horn the ultimate book of the series down to this size, I think that the story would suffer and readers would have an unsatisfying experience. Furthermore, narrative-wise, The Future Burns Bright is more of a single book than it is two distinct books (you’ll just have to take my word on this for now), which is why I decided to call both volumes part of “Book 4”.
So the two-volume format is a compromise between the imperatives of the paperback industry and my desire to fully tell the story of the Storied Watcher.
Hopefully you’ll agree, when you read The Future Burns Bright!
The Author