Book-reading at the Tudor & Cashel Public Library

I’m pleased to inform my readers (and casual onlookers) that on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, I was the main attraction of a book-reading event at the Tudor & Cashel Public Library at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road in Gilmour, Ontario (

Here’s a picture from the proceedings :

Author reading, Marcus & Karen Shields, Tudor & Cashel Library, August 7, 2024

Author reading at the Tudor & Cashel Library!

The meeting, which was in support of the Library Book Club, was organized by Ms. Leanne Golan, head Librarian for the facility. (Many thanks again to Leanne, whose expertise in getting people to show up to the event, was very notable! 🙂 .)

During the session, I gave an overview of the original inspiration for the Angel Brings Fire / Future Burns Bright series of science fiction / modern fantasy / superhero novels; I also provided a “sneak peak” at the text of my next (as-yet-unpublished) novel of the series, Bonnie Billings, Superhero.

I was ably supported by Ms. Val Fullard (, who is the cover and art designer for the ABF / FBB series. Val provided some sage advice about “all those issues having to do with layout and graphic design, that nobody realizes are there, until you have to do them”. The audience found her commentary very informative and entertaining.

All in all, it was a highly successful and fun event. I’m looking forward to doing many more!

I will update this posting and include pictures or screen shots, when and if they become available.


Marcus Shields

Author of The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright, Bonnie’s New Auntie and Bonnie Billings, Superhero