Announcing the next book in the series : “Bonnie Billings, Superhero”

After too long a hiatus, I’m pleased to announce the onset of my next project in the Angel Brings Fire / Future Burns Bright series of science fiction / modern fantasy / superhero novels…

Bonnie Billings, Superhero!

This novel, planned for completion either later in 2024 or early in 2025, will pick up the narrative after where Bonnie’s New Auntie (my last book) left off. Like Bonnie’s New Auntie, it is a YA-themed work, but unlike BNA it really does require that you read the latter book first, or not a lot of Bonnie Billings, Superhero, will make sense to you.

The theme of the book, incidentally, is “teenagers are notorious for having ‘growing pains’… so what happens when you’re a ‘super-teenager’?”.

Bonnie Billings, Superhero, has (so far) been a lot of fun to write. I hope you’ll find it as enjoyable to read!

Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright, Bonnie’s New Auntie and Bonnie Billings, Superhero

Bonnie’s New Auntie, is PUBLISHED!

I’m very proud to announce the general availability release of my latest science fiction / modern fantasy novel, entitled Bonnie’s New Auntie.

This is an “Epilogue” to the final volume of The Future Burns Bright (e.g. Book #4, The Future Alight, of the second series); however, Bonnie’s New Auntie, can also be read as a “stand-alone” novel, without having read either The Angel Brings Fire or The Future Burns Bright, beforehand. (Obviously, though, you will understand more of what’s going on, if you have read the previous two series.)

Bonnie’s New Auntie is also a more “Young Adult” – oriented novel compared to the earlier series… although there’s plenty within it to interest audiences of all ages! The book can be ordered from Amazon (paperback / Kindle format), from Lulu (EPUB iPad format) and from Google Play Books (PDF generic e-Book format).

The Plot (spoiler alert!)

The novel tells the story of one Bonnie Billings, 16.5-year-old daughter of Simon Billings of Phoenix, Arizona… and, therefore, niece to Bob Billings, of Tucson, in the same state. Endlessly bullied and condemned by her weight and personal appearance issues to being “the last kid called for the volleyball team” at her boring, run-of-the-mill American suburban high-school, Bonnie’s day-to-day routine is all about “surviving… not thriving”.

Tonight, Bonnie’s Uncle Bob (and, his mysterious and newly-acquired immediate family) are due to drop in to the Phoenix Billings clan’s residence, for a long-postponed get-together. Bonnie isn’t looking forward to the occasion; especially, she fumes at seeing Uncle Bob’s new trophy girlfriend, whose unnatural, supermodel-like attractiveness is everything that Bonnie ever wanted for herself (but couldn’t dream of obtaining).

Bonnie hates this newcomer, with a resentful, jealous passion. But the Billings teenager is in for a big surprise… because “Sari” (as Uncle Bob’s new “squeeze” has been introduced to the Billings clan), is unlike anyone who has ever walked on the face of Planet Earth… and Bonnie’s humdrum, “C”-student lifestyle, is about to get the ultimate in “celebrity make-overs”!

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ll enjoy reading Bonnie’s New Auntie as much as I enjoyed writing it, over the past year or so; COVID-19 has been difficult for everyone, and perhaps reading the novel will help you forget about the pandemic for a short while. (Semi-relevant sidenote : The Storied Watcher’s “New People”, while naturally immune to virtually all human diseases, also can’t get vaccinated… since you can’t stick a needle into them without it being melted off; and even if you somehow got the vaccine into their bloodstream, it would be automatically destroyed by their alien-powers. So — when “COVID-40” shows its ugly face… are the “New People” the only sentient beings left on Planet Earth? Or do they all die off, because they can’t be vaccinated? 😈 )

As always, if you have any comments or observations (good, bad or indifferent), by all means leave them as responses to this blog; I read all of them and value everyone’s perspective.


Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright and Bonnie’s New Auntie