About GawdOfABF

Having been an avid consumer (and part-time supplier) of science fiction and fantasy content is nothing new to Marcus Shields, who has been partaking thereof, since he was old enough to read (modesty precludes the author from revealing exactly how long ago, that was). With a career as a computer security professional in the Canadian telecommunications industry, Shields is the author of a large number of so-far-unpublished works, ranging from the Shakhan series of pen and paper fantasy role-playing games, to a daily series of political e-mail blasts to all who are interested (and many more who are not). He resides in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, where he shares a comfortably modest home with his wife, daughter and very furry, and very spoiled, "cross-breed" (a.k.a., "mutt") dog.

I’m on BlueSky!

My track record with “Social Media” to date, has been an interesting one; for example I got permanently banned by Twitter (back in the days when it was “Twitter” as opposed to “X”) because I rhetorically told a troll who had been giving me grief, to “drop dead”. Evidently the wise content-censors on that platform are not familiar with English slang, or maybe they don’t care (pick one).

Whatever the reason, my account on Twitter ended up going the way of the Dodo, and, frankly, at the time it didn’t bother me much… subsequent events, that is, Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform and his turning it into a sewer of nonsense conspiracy theories and toxic far-Right propaganda, have only confirmed in my mind that leaving Twitter was not much of a loss.

However, I obviously wasn’t alone in parting ways with Twitter, as many of that platform’s former users, including Yours Truly, have migrated to a new Social Media system that seems to be a little more sensibly managed. It’s called “BlueSky”.

While it has a few rough edges (notably, the interface is sometimes “down” due to server issues), BlueSky has so far shown a lot of promise and I plan to stick with it for the time being at least. Should you wish to look me up, search for :


At :


Hope to see you there!

Book-reading at the Tudor & Cashel Public Library

I’m pleased to inform my readers (and casual onlookers) that on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, I was the main attraction of a book-reading event at the Tudor & Cashel Public Library at 371 Weslemkoon Lake Road in Gilmour, Ontario (https://tudorandcashel.com/services/library/).

Here’s a picture from the proceedings :

Author reading, Marcus & Karen Shields, Tudor & Cashel Library, August 7, 2024

Author reading at the Tudor & Cashel Library!

The meeting, which was in support of the Library Book Club, was organized by Ms. Leanne Golan, head Librarian for the facility. (Many thanks again to Leanne, whose expertise in getting people to show up to the event, was very notable! 🙂 .)

During the session, I gave an overview of the original inspiration for the Angel Brings Fire / Future Burns Bright series of science fiction / modern fantasy / superhero novels; I also provided a “sneak peak” at the text of my next (as-yet-unpublished) novel of the series, Bonnie Billings, Superhero.

I was ably supported by Ms. Val Fullard (https://www.valfullard.com/), who is the cover and art designer for the ABF / FBB series. Val provided some sage advice about “all those issues having to do with layout and graphic design, that nobody realizes are there, until you have to do them”. The audience found her commentary very informative and entertaining.

All in all, it was a highly successful and fun event. I’m looking forward to doing many more!

I will update this posting and include pictures or screen shots, when and if they become available.


Marcus Shields

Author of The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright, Bonnie’s New Auntie and Bonnie Billings, Superhero

Announcing the next book in the series : “Bonnie Billings, Superhero”

After too long a hiatus, I’m pleased to announce the onset of my next project in the Angel Brings Fire / Future Burns Bright series of science fiction / modern fantasy / superhero novels…

Bonnie Billings, Superhero!

This novel, planned for completion either later in 2024 or early in 2025, will pick up the narrative after where Bonnie’s New Auntie (my last book) left off. Like Bonnie’s New Auntie, it is a YA-themed work, but unlike BNA it really does require that you read the latter book first, or not a lot of Bonnie Billings, Superhero, will make sense to you.

The theme of the book, incidentally, is “teenagers are notorious for having ‘growing pains’… so what happens when you’re a ‘super-teenager’?”.

Bonnie Billings, Superhero, has (so far) been a lot of fun to write. I hope you’ll find it as enjoyable to read!

Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright, Bonnie’s New Auntie and Bonnie Billings, Superhero

She Looks Like

Introductory Note : The following short story takes place some time after the later events of Bonnie’s New Auntie.


The early-morning autumn leaves on the valley-sides – though resplendent in their brilliant, fourth-quarter reds, oranges and yellows – were, in fact, scarcely noticed by most of the shoppers inside the mid-sized Franco’s Lowball Costs grocery-store.

Some had come to this small, Canadian resort-country town just to see the trees in their all-too-brief glory; others were here on more prosaic duties such as “closing up the cottage”, while still others – locals, mostly – were stocking up on supplies for the impending winter months.

A quick glance at license-plates in the parking-lot would have revealed mostly Ontario-registered automobiles and RVs, although there were also plenty from New York State, various New England principalities and a few from points further afar, like Texas, Florida or even the vehicle of some brave adventurer from California.

The place was very busy; the queues starting at the checkout-counters were all five or more family-groups deep, forcing some of the lines back up the aisles containing foodstuffs. Though the store had not yet started its late fall interior heating, many of the mostly Caucasian (with a sprinkling of visible minorities, mostly from the Greater Toronto Area) shoppers had arrived somewhat over-dressed in anticipation of cool outdoor weather. Extraneous outer clothing-layers were thus being ruefully removed, up and down each queue.

The lengthy delays in the shopping-lineups provided (or, more accurately
 “imposed”) ample opportunity for idle chit-chat, amongst those waiting for their turn at the counter.

Conversations covered all the usual bases, ranging from the outcomes of local junior sports games to more weighty events, for example “man, am I ever glad that I live up here and not down there
 did’ya hear about how Florida got hit by three monster hurricanes in a row, this year?”. There was also some passing commentary about even more unusual events supposedly occurring in the United States; but this was mostly dismissed as “more of that ‘conspiracy-theory’ nonsense that they’re always brewin’ up, on NeoNet
 ain’t worth the bits and bytes it’s floatin’ around on”.

There was, of course, the usual grumbling about escalating prices for everything, though, the fact that Canada’s currency was at a 100-year high compared to its beleaguered U.S. counterpart, certainly did take some of the “sting” out of the cost of a bag of salad or a loaf of bread.

About two shopping-groups’ distant from the cherished objective of the checkout-counter, and almost precisely in the middle of the eight distinct queues, a young, already-tall, teenage Caucasian lad with never-combed brown hair and the unkempt beginnings of a stubble-beard, had all the time that any kid of his ilk would have needed to win arguments with his parents by means of repetition and exhaustion.

“Come on, Dad,” he too-loudly complained, “I’m almost old enough to drive, you know; and way up here, the cops are never gonna catch us! Why can’t I at least take her from here, to the cottage? It’s, like, only ten miles or something!”

“Fred,” interjected his mother (a thin-framed, forty-something woman with a close-cropped hairdo),

“That man over there
 you see him?

“Yeah – sure I do,” answered the father, who was a somewhat-overweight, clean-shaven, balding man in his forties.

“So what?” queried Fred.

“He was staring at your daughter,” warned the mother.

“So maybe he’s a pervert or something,” interjected the teenager. “Dad – about the car –”

“Just a sec, William,” temporized the father, as he shot a quick glance at what appeared to be a Caucasian male in the next queue over to the right, compared to the line that his own family was stuck in.

Actually, the balding, late-40’s-aged, cheaply-outfitted object of the wife’s attention (the guy reminded Fred of a used-car salesman) looked so similar that he might have been Fred’s own brother, although he seemed to be leading a quite different clan. This included a pre-teen boy with a distinct copper-tone to his skin (Fred figured this kid to be either Hispanic or some other ethnic group), another dark-haired male child about the same age but definitely Caucasian, and two teenagers.

One of the latter was an obviously-pretty, brown-eyed female Caucasian with long, auburn-brown hair. The second was a white male with close-cropped black hair, perhaps a bit younger but somewhat taller than the brown-haired girl (he was a bit taller than William). All of the junior-aged crew in this group were dressed in casual street clothes.

Fred’s son was about to whine again, but he had, like his father, been distracted by the other line-up.

“You’re imagining things,” countered the father,. “I don’t see anything. The guy’s got four kids – didn’t you hear him telling them “no beer, some of you are under-age”? And no, William, you’re not getting behind the wheel, at least not until we get to the cottage and you’re not on a public road. You think I want us to get it impounded up here, and then have to rent a car to get back to Delaware? No way, JosĂ©!”

“Well, I just
 oh, never mind,” complained the teenager, who then moped, briefly looked down at the floor and shuffled his feet.

The grocery-buying queues continued to move forward, and, coincidentally, Fred’s family, and the one that he and his wife had been arguing about, were both next-up for the checkout-counter in their respective lines.

It was at this point that Fred himself began to be slightly concerned, for he saw the Hispanic-looking boy in the other queue point at Fred’s six-year-old, pig-tailed, bunny-head-dress-wearing daughter Casey (or – oddly – at the caped-super-heroine doll in Casey’s hand). He stared intensely at the little girl before looking in another direction.

For a second or two, Casey stood transfixed in place; despite prodding from her mother, the wide-eyed little girl refused to move. Initially, both Fred and Beatrice were worried that their daughter was having yet another of her epileptic sessions, but eventually, Casey came to her senses and stopped blocking the line.

The man in the other line-up, between snatching various grocery-items from his shopping-cart and depositing each in turn on the checkout conveyor-belt, whirled in place and started talking to the brown-haired young woman following behind him, although the conversation was unfortunately just out of earshot.

Weird, too, how just a look from that boy, almost sent Casey off the deep end
 shit, I sure hope she holds it together while we’re up here
 I hear that our Bronze Low insurance coverage doesn’t work up here.

That’s all we need – a kid in hospital for a week, while we go to the poor-house

“Daddy!” interjected Casey, who was staring upward at her two parents.

She looked as if she’d seen a ghost. “Daddy! I got to tell you something!”

“Not now, dear,” said Beatrice. “Daddy and I are busy paying for our groceries.”

“But it’s important!” persisted the child. “Really important!”

“You have to go to the bathroom again?” sighed Fred.

“No,” said Casey, “But –”

“Then it will have to wait until we get out to the car,” countermanded the father.

Sullenly, Casey looked downward; but – holding her superheroine-figurine up in front – she started to mumble something clearly directed at it.

“She really believes all that crazy stuff about these ‘super-heroes’, you know,” quietly related Beatrice to Fred, upon seeing their daughter talking to the doll. “I wish William wouldn’t show her all those videos, after we told him they’re off-limits for her.”

“It’s just a phase,” he whispered back. “Part of growing up. Go easy on both of ‘em! We didn’t have any, uhh, episodes, coming up here. Let’s not set her off, you know?”

“Yeah,” conceded the mother.

But it appeared that, despite the parents’ efforts, William had overheard, as he whispered to his sister, “Don’t worry, ‘Case
 I think they’re true, too. Dad and Mom just don’t know how to tell the real social media videos, from the fake ones.”

The little girl solemnly nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, the rest of what Fred guessed was the strange man’s family, continued to empty their shopping-cart. Though he was preoccupied by his own duty to do the same, he had enough time to notice a few unusual things about what the other group had purchased.

For example, no flour or baking-goods were in the cart, but there were no less than five large packages each of regular and icing sugar; there was enough ice-cream to sink a battleship, and – despite the fact that there was a big sale in the store for fresh steaks and even though local trout was in season – the only “meat” on the checkout-belt was of that faked, inferior vegetarian stuff. Along with a three-deep-stacked pile of canned-goods, there were a lot of fresh vegetables, probably too many for five people to turn into salad-material, before some of it would go bad.

Finally, though the other party seemed to number only one adult, two teenagers and two pre-teen boys, the amount of food being acquired was far in excess of what a group of this size would ordinarily consume in a week or thereabouts.

 nothing really strange about that, he reasoned.

Just stocking up for a long stay somewhere
 but it’s already autumn?

With all that food, looks like they’ll be eating it for a month or more

Hope they got some nice warm duds, ‘case the temperature takes a dip

The curious-looking man in the other queue seemed to have finished his grocery-bagging duties in record time. He stared intently, but this time, his gaze was directed – oddly, without so much as a spoken word – at the copper-hued, dark-haired boy.

The boy nodded as if in agreement, then grabbed hold of the shopping-cart’s rear handle-bar (he was only a head’s-worth taller than this, so it was evidently something of a struggle) and, accompanied by the rest of his family tagging along behind, pushed the cart in a direction aimed for the door of the shopping-center.

Holy crap, silently noted Fred.

That cart’s filled way past overflowing – must weigh a ton – but the kid’s maneuvering it as if it were empty.

Must be a damn strong little bugger
 Will could never have managed something like that, when he was the same age

Wonder why he’s pushing it by himself, when there’s two bigger kids to help out? Or even that other, white boy?

Wait a minute, there they go
 sure seem to be in a hurry to get out of the store.

Maybe going out to start the car?

The man, meanwhile, had taken up a position with his back up against the grocery-store’s front picture-windows. His eyes were closed, but, unfortunately, whether to the left or to the right, there was no way that Fred and his family could get out of the establishment without going right by this guy.

Maybe he’s just taking a pause for the cause, or something, Fred postulated.

But there’s something I don’t like about his, uhh, manner.

What the hell’s he doing, just leaning back like that?

Why isn’t he heading out with the rest of his group?

Not sure what it is, but whatever his ‘issues’ are – he’d better keep ‘em to himself.

At this point, Beatrice and (somewhat reluctantly), William, had finished reloading the now-paid-for groceries, into their own shopping-cart.

The teenager looked up at Fred.

“Well?” he said.

“’Well’, what?” responded the father.

“You gonna take the cart outside?” asked the teenager.

 you are,” directed Fred.

“Why do I have to do it?” complained William.

“Because I have to have my hands free
 that’s why,” evenly stated the father.

 why’d you
” stammered the son.

“Just do it, for God’s sake!” countered a frustrated Fred. “It’s just a shopping-cart and all you got to do is ‘get it to the car’. Not a lot to ask, so

 whatever you say, dude,” sullenly retreated William, as he positioned himself behind the cart and began to push.

He turned it to the left – pointing towards one of the store’s two front-exits – and, to Fred’s relief, got easily past the strange man, as did Beatrice. However, just as Fred himself, with Casey’s hand held securely in his own, tried to walk by, the odd-behaving man came to life; his eyes opened and – with no apparent provocation – looked the father right in the face and said,

“Hey, there, Fred – uhh, Fred Beaumont, isn’t it? How’s it going today, man?”

An annoyed Fred stopped in place (with tightened grasp on his daughter’s hand) and responded, “I don’t know you, mister. What’s this all about?”

“It is ‘Fred Beaumont’
 isn’t it?” continued the strange man. “Oh, and – your daughter’s name is ‘Casey’, right? Hi, honey! Hey, you look like you’re about Elissha’s age
 she’s my youngest, by the way –”

Beatrice and William stopped all forward motion and turned their attention to the conversation.

“As a matter of fact
 yes, it is,” answered an increasingly-annoyed Fred. “How’d you

 you could say that a really nice lady told me,” pleasantly mentioned the man. “A very unusual lady, in fact.”

Shit, he realized.

This guy must be a cop or something!

How else could he
 or maybe he’s one of those fuckin’ crazy cult-members.

Do they got them up here in Canada, like back home?

Don’t think they do.

But if he’s a cop, this could be really bad news – what did we do?

We didn’t do jack shit!

 so I did lowball it, when the border-guards asked me about how much cash we were bringing across the border
 but that’s just because the good old Yankee Dollar’s not worth a bucket of warm spit, up here!

Surely that’s not enough for them to sic a detective on me!

 I got rights
 I think
 so better bluff this cop, find out what the hell he’s aimin’ at

“Look, mister,” challenged Fred, “I don’t know what this is all about, but you’re disturbing both me and my daughter. Unless you got some – uhh – legal reason for me and my family to hang around here
 we’re heading out. You understand?”

The strange man let out what sounded like a sincere sigh, and explained,

“I don’t blame you for being – uhh – confused about all this; and for the record, I hate having to do it every second time that we drop by a place with crowds of people
 funny, you know – I’m a salesman by trade and I never minded doing cold-calls, but somehow, this feels kind of awkward. I apologize for that. Anyway
 here’s the deal : my son Tommy noticed that little Casey there is holding something very special, in her hand; and we’d like you to join us in the overflow parking-lot – you know, the one in the back, away from the street – for a quick little, uhh, ‘get-together’. I promise, it’ll be worth your while. With me so far?”

“I got no idea what you’re talkin’ about,” parried Fred. “For starters, we don’t know you from a hole in the ground –”

“Oh, I can fix that,” interrupted the strange man.

His voice lowered, as if he were trying to avoid being overheard by passers-by.

“My name’s ‘Bob Billings’,” he said. “Son’s Tommy George, daughters are Sayuri and Elissha. He’s out back with his, err, ‘mother’; the girls are at home today. The other three that you saw with me there in the checkout-line, they’re just some Canadian friends helping us to shop for food.”

Now it was William’s turn to stare as if having seen a ghost, at the strange man.

“Dad!” he called out, rather more loudly than would have been appropriate.

“Not now!” countermanded Fred.

“But Dad – don’t you realize who that is? Who he’s with?” persisted the teenager.

The strange man spoke in William’s direction,

“Oh, come on, kid,” he requested, “Let’s keep that as ‘our own little secret’ for a short while
 not spoil the surprise. You mind?”

 sure, man,” nervously responded William. “But
 holy shit! You mean she’s –”

Billings had an insouciant grin on his face as he winked at the teenager.

He continued,

“Now, you see
 here’s the thing. My better half has this kind of crazy rule – I think it’s completely impractical, but she insists on it – that if we see a child carrying anything, especially a doll, that, well, is kind of all about her
 we invite ‘em to a little meet ‘n greet, somewhere private enough so we don’t scare the horses, in this case, ‘round the back of the building. You get what I’m saying?”

“Bea,” said Fred to his wife, “We’re going. Come on.”

He looked at William and pointed towards the door.

“Mom!” exclaimed the teenager, “We can’t! You and Dad don’t understand –”

Casey broke contact with her father and said, “Daddy
 I want to go with the nice man.”

“You’ll do no such thing, young lady!” snapped Fred.

William released his grasp on the shopping-cart and said,

“I’m going with Case, Dad. And you and Mom had better come with us.”

“Mr. Beaumont,” interjected Billings, “Or ‘Fred’, if I can call you that – call me ‘Bob’
 I don’t blame you for having your guard up; it’s exactly what I’d do, if some random guy accosted me on the way out of a grocery-store, like I’ve done to you and your family. But please believe me – this is the chance of a lifetime. You, and especially your daughter, will regret it as long as you live, if you pass it up. Just come with me around to the back, bring your whole family with you – none of you will be harmed in the slightest. The opposite, in fact.”

“You aren’t making any sense,” protested Fred. “What’s this all about? Like, a cult, or something? You don’t look like a cop, to me.”

 ‘cult’?” queried the strange man. “Funny you mention it like that
 you know, I suppose that in a way, you could consider the ‘New People’ like ‘yours truly’, to be in a ‘cult’
 but not the kind you’re familiar with. Tell you what – I’m going to head out now; I’ll wait by the side of the building, and it’s up to you to decide what you and your family are going to do. Listen, Will
 I know that you know what’s going on here, but the thing is
 she asked me not to spoil the moment, so please don’t tell your folks, if you don’t mind? They have to figure it out, for themselves. Some crazy thing about ‘free will’ or whatever. Oh-kay?”

I thought this guy spoke English? wondered Fred.

But he’s pronouncing a few words, oddly

“What the hell’s he talking about?” whispered Fred to his son.

 he’s not fuckin’ kidding, about ‘the chance of a lifetime’,” answered William. “You gotta let Case go back there! Not to mention me. I can’t believe that you haven’t put two and two together, yet!”

Various members of his family had to stand aside as annoyed grocery-shoppers navigated around the huddle, immersed in conversation as it was.

A frustrated and cornered Fred Beaumont shot a glance at his wife.

“What you want to do?” he demanded.

“They could be planning to rob us, or something,” noted Beatrice.

“I’m told that there are security-cameras overlooking the rear parking-lot,” commented Bob Billings. “Which actually isn’t too great for us, but
 if it’s of any interest, my family and I – who are the only ones you’ll meet back there – we, ahem, have no need of money. We got all we need and then some. Actually, if you’re short, I’ve got no doubt that we can hand you over a few nice little pure gold coins
 they tell me that each one’s worth about ten grand American, probably about half that up here. But oh well. ‘Money comes, money goes’
 you know?”

Beatrice bit her lip.

 you know how much we need for Casey’s treatments
” she forced out.

“I can’t give you a guarantee,” inscrutably mentioned Billings, “But my guess is, your daughter won’t have to deal with epilepsy – or anything else, for that matter – after we have our little get-together. Did you know that I used to be 65 pounds overweight? Just look at me!”

Somehow, the man’s frame revealed that the claim was likely true.

“So you are a cult then
 right?” challenged a wary Fred.

“Like I said
 ‘no kind of cult that you’ve ever heard of, before’,” evenly responded Billings. “But why take my word for it? Just come back and see. No obligations, no threats, no promises. Oh-kay, one only : you’re in for a very unusual experience. That’s all I’ll say.”

He turned and started for the door.

The two parents exchanged anxious glances.

Eventually, Beatrice said,

“Oh, come on, Fred
 it’s bright daylight out there, and if anything bad happens, I’ll just scream!”

Her husband rolled his eyes and replied,

“Fine, then
 but it’s on you, Bea
 they didn’t let me bring our guns across the border – we got no protection, if –”

“Dad,” broke in an exultant William, “With who’s waiting for us back there
 if we get into trouble, I’d use harsh language
 ‘bout as effective as an AR, or a H-bomb.”

Fred’s face wore a thoroughly puzzled look, as – reluctantly with every foot-step – he led his family to follow the stranger, out of Franco’s Lowball Costs.


William and Casey beat Beatrice and Fred by a full six paces, in rounding the right-hand edge of the grocery-store’s front-side. The “Billings” guy was slightly ahead of them. The overflow parking-lot actually did have quite a few vehicles; Fred assumed that these cars belonged to the store-staff, because – unlike the rather frenetic activity in the front-lot – they were mostly unattended, with nobody coming and going.

The three Canadian youngsters were standing off to one side, chatting idly among themselves.

“Hey, Sari!” everyone heard the self-proclaimed salesman, call out. “They’re here
 but Holy Sales Job, Batman, did it ever take some fancy talking to get them interested! You owe me big-time for getting them back here, my dear.”

At first, none of the Beaumont clan had any idea of who Billings was addressing. Yet – in the next half-second – William pointed to one of the vehicles about sixty feet away, in the shadows at the far end of the parking-lot. He excitedly exclaimed, “Is that her?”

What the hell, mused Fred,

Not two seconds ago, I just looked at that car! There was nobody near it, but now there’s some girl sitting on the hood, with her back turned to all of us.

She must have been hiding on the far side of it, then jumped up on the front of the car.

But how’s it that neither Bea nor I, saw her do that?

“Hi, Fred, Beatrice, William and Casey,” came a friendly greeting, from the “Sari”-girl. “I am glad that you decided to join my family and I, as Bob suggested.”

Though the pronunciation of the words was perfect, her voice had a light, hard-to-place accent.

Where’s she from? idly speculated Fred.

France? Germany? Sweden?

No, gotta be somewhere else. Maybe Finland?

Maybe somewhere, like, further away?

New Zealand?

 heard one of ‘em once, they all talk like the Aussies, down there –

The new girl rotated quickly in place, while still seated on the car-hood (weirdly, she didn’t seem to use any of her limbs to effect the move; it was as if a gust of wind, or something like that, had turned her around). Then she effortlessly jumped down so as to be on the side facing Billings and the others.

“It is so nice to meet you all,” she remarked, while walking forward at a steady pace. “Let us, ahh, get to know each other better
 shall we?”

Then she momentarily paused and called out backwards, over her shoulder,

“Oh-kay, Drew, Eyrie and Kevin!”

The three of them walked forward, toward the “Sari”-girl.

In a few seconds she had advanced far enough out of the shadows that Fred, Beatrice and their offspring, could finally see her clearly. She was about five feet eight inches in height (much shorter than either Fred or Bob Billings), with a lean, boyish, small-boobed figure, entrancing green eyes and long, golden-blond hair cut into a bang over her forehead.

She had a flawless, soft complexion despite wearing neither make-up nor any of the other, commonly-used personal appearance-enhancements. She was dressed in comfortably-stylish, semi-casual clothing, including a business-like blouse (Fred couldn’t tell if she was wearing a bra; he hoped not), dark slacks and tastefully-embroidered slippers.

And Mr. Beaumont ruefully considered that he sure had been right about one thing : this girl was, indeed, surpassingly beautiful, in an odd, deceptive way that only fully revealed itself on the third or fourth time that he got a good look at her. It was as if he had to be suspicious about her beforehand, to really identify or appreciate her face or figure.

Hmm, salaciously mused Fred,

Where have I seen that girl before?

Oh yeah, now I remember!

The “Swim-Suit Special”
 yeah, that’s gotta be it.

Too bad that Bea made me throw it in the trash
 should have got the “digital” version, could have hidden it on the communicator, but anyway, well, imagine that!

 she must be that guy’s daughter
 way too young to be his squeeze.

And there was something else about her – it was a feeling impossible to place. As she drew progressively nearer, her presence – a feeling of being in the vicinity of someone much greater than oneself, like a boyhood fiction-hero or a star athlete – grew apace. Yet outwardly, all that Fred and Beatrice beheld, was simply a well-dressed, supermodel-quality young woman.

As the three behind her continued moving forward at a steady pace, the “Sari”-girl closed the distance with the newcomers with unnatural speed (she seemed still to be just walking, but each step somehow counted for two or three); but – to the parents’ consternation – she bypassed Fred and Beatrice altogether, instead stopping right in front of Casey, then bending down on one knee to be at eye-height with the child.

“Hi, dear little one,” she greeted with a broad, cheery smile, while looking Casey right in the face.

Man, mused Fred,

That’s quite a set of teeth she’s got there
 yeah, pearly-white alright, but there’s something weird about ‘em

The wide-eyed child just stood there, staring.

“It’s, uhh, an honor,” stammered William.

“The honor is mine,” politely said the “Sari”-girl. “You can tell your friends all about it, soon
 but not right now, oh-kay?”

“Oh, yes, for sure, your, uhh, majesty,” instantly replied the teenager. “Is that what I’m supposed to say?”

“It will do,” answered the young woman with a suppressed giggle and a warm smile in William’s direction, “But it is not exactly the right thing. Do not worry about it! Please relax. We will be friends, shortly. Or so I hope.”

“So do I,” the teenager managed.

He looked totally awed, or, perhaps, out of his depth.

What the F
 what’s gotten into him? wondered Fred.

She’s just some cute model, or whatever.

He’s talking as if she’s a queen or something!

“She is,” mentioned the auburn-haired girl, who had just arrived, along with her two compatriots, within easy speaking-distance. “You don’t know the half of it, dude!”

William did a double-take at this new-found teenager.

Holy shit, he reflected,

Ms. Alien Angel’s a “11”, that’s for sure
 way better than how she looks in the pictures on Neo
 but that brown-haired one – how is it that I didn’t realize how cute she is too, at first glance – she’s a “9.5” at least
 wonder if she’s got a boyfriend
 oops, that tall dude next to her, he’s probably

“Drew’s my brother,” responded the auburn-haired girl with a wry look on her “girl-next-door” face and an odd twinkle in her eye – though William hadn’t said a single word of his observations, out loud. “My name’s ‘Eyrie’ and my younger brother is ‘Kevin’. We’re Canadians from Toronto, by the way, but, uhh, well, we seem not to be hangin’ around home base very much, these days. ‘Welcome to Canada’, nice to meet you, dude, and, ‘thanks for the compliment’.”

“Hi,” offered Kevin.

 it’s all cool,” spoke up Drew. “Don’t sweat it none.”

“But I didn’t say anything
” protested William. “How’d you –”

“We’re with her,” evaded Eyrie. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

“Hey Tommy,” called out the younger brother, “You didn’t spill the beans yet?”

“Nope,” responded the copper-tone-skinned boy, who had stationed himself not far from the “Sari”-girl. “I win the bet, Kev! You owe me one of those chocolate bars – the kind you can only get up here.”

” whined Kevin. “She only gave me a gold coin – I can’t use that to buy
 well, you know.”

After a bemused giggle, the “Sari”-girl – turning her attention to Casey – took over the conversation, noting “Now, little one
 I see that you are holding something – excuse me, someone – very special in your hand.”

 it’s my dolly,” hesitatingly answered the little girl. “Of the person who I like the most, in the whole wide world.”

“And who might that be?” teased the young woman.

“Karey Maredj”, Casey stated, in a low voice just a bit more than a whisper. “The Storied Watcher. Who saved all of us on Earth from a comet. She’s my favorite super-hero!”

Oh God, thought a frustrated Fred.

Here comes that damn conspiracy theory again
 I’m going to cut Will off NeoNet for good, this time –

“That is a wonderful way of saying it, sweetheart,” cajoled the new girl, “But it is actually pronounced, ‘kar-AYn may-RAY-jeh’. May I have a look at your dolly, please?”

“Uh-huhh,” complied Casey, as she handed the figurine to her interrogator.

“Now, you see,” purposefully described the young woman as she pointed to various aspects of the doll’s vestments, “The way in which she is dressed – understandable since whomever designed your dolly never had direct contact with, ahh, the real thing – but it does not closely resemble how the Storied Watcher’s war-children, actually appear. For example, regard robust VĂŹrya Ahn’jë  see how the toy-designers have her scale-mail colored in blue, whereas, in fact, her tone is that of black with flickering blue-flame; and see how they have made VĂŹrya I’Ă«Ă ’b’ as a target-shield
 but in real life, she is circular-round.”

“How do you
 how do you know those funny-sounding names?” warily inquired Casey. “They were on the box that my dolly came in, but I could never say them right.”

There was a broad smile on the young woman’s face as she cryptically replied, “Maybe someone will teach you, very soon. They are the names of living beings, you know
 and they are listening to us, right now.”

“Oh my God,” whispered William to his uncomprehending parents. “That means she’s –”

“I see that you’ve also been following all those silly stories circulating on the NeoNet,” complained Beatrice, in the direction of the still-kneeling newcomer. “My daughter’s room is full of stuff like that doll. At first we thought it was just a phase, but, well
 to be frank with you, we’re worried that she’s regressing into a fantasy-world. And frankly again, Miss
 you’re not doing much to help us, and her, to get out of it.”

The three Canadians broke out laughing, upon hearing this.

“’Fantasy’?” offered Eyrie. “Uh-uhh. Ma’am
 ‘reality’ around here is a lot weirder, as you’re about to find out.”

“Yeah,” added Drew, “You’re about to get a lot further into it.”

“What do you mean?” anxiously demanded the worried mother.

“You see, Casey,” smoothly continued the “Sari”-girl, “When I notice a little one such as yourself having taken a figurine of KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij – Comet-Destroyer, Guardian of Earth – to her heart, it means so much to me. Foremost, it means that you are interested
 and being interested in a thing, is the first step towards knowing that thing, or that person. But moreover, your dolly reveals that the spark of nobility is already within you, Casey. It means that you are dreaming of being greater than you had ever dared hope to be. It means that you deserve, and have earned, the singular attention of the Storied Watcher, herself. Do you understand what I say?”

The little girl nodded affirmatively, while commenting, “You
 you sure do talk nice.”

The “Sari”-girl threw her head back and let out a hearty (though, gentle) laugh; in so doing, she revealed four unusually-long incisor-teeth.

“Can you
 can you help me fix my dolly, so she looks like the real thing?” hesitatingly requested Casey.

“Here it comes,” cynically whispered Bob Billings to his grinning adopted son.

I never get tired of seeing her do it, Uncle Bob, sent the boy.

This is what Mom’s meant to do.

You know it – and so do I.

Yeah, sent back the ex-salesman.

Something way beyond you or me, kid.

 of course,” said the “Sari”-girl to the child. “But to do that
 we will have to have something to compare your dolly with. Would you like to see this?”

Casey silently nodded agreement.

All around could hear – or, perhaps, detect, using some heretofore-unrealized mental sense – the notes of an exciting, portentous melody, issuing from everywhere and nowhere.

“Behold!” spoke the “Sari”-girl, with rising grandeur in her voice, “If you would know what KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij – her war-children, too – really look like – she, and they, look like

Those around the place (even the “New People”, despite their advanced powers) perceived a blinding, microsecond-brief flash of light; and when eyes were able to re-focus, they saw the mighty Storied Watcher – clad in iridescent black scale-mail, suffused throughout with tiny, dancing motes of blue flame, with a skull-cap on the top of her head, a small shield on one arm, a deadly sword in a scabbard on her belt, two sinister-looking daggers just above her ankles and a dark cape flowing from her shoulders – still kneeling on the pavement, directly in front of an astonished, half-terrified young child.

There was a wave of heat which fortunately lasted only briefly; and there was also a different feeling, one that none could really make sense of. To the humans in the vicinity, it felt as if they were in the face of supernatural divinity; and not even the likes of the Storied Watcher’s erstwhile boyfriend, could tell whether or not this was the truth. She somehow looked much taller and larger than before; but her newly-revealed presence was physical, mental, emotional and psychic, all at the same time (though, in fact, her actual dimensions hadn’t changed).

Casey would have run – as would have her gasping parents, though not their elder son – but she, like they, was frozen in place by a combination of fear and awe.

The psycho-music ebbed, though it was still faintly audible.

The intimidating, fire-flickering alien-female – a dim, whitish-silver glow coming from the inner-parts of her eyeballs – uprighted herself and explained, “I came here meaning to purchase some food for my family; luckily, Bob and Tommy have already accomplished that task, so I have some, ahh, ‘free time’ in which to come to know you better – but mind you, not an unlimited time, as soon, we will likely have a lot of ‘interested onlookers’, crowding us. Fred, Beatrice, William and Casey
 I say, ‘welcome’, to all of you
 especially to your little one!”

She bent over slightly to directly address the trembling child.

“Sometimes, Casey,” mentioned KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij, “The Gods have plans for me, and for you. I believe that this is one of those days. How long have you had that little figurine of my likeness?”

“Six months
 I think,” haltingly answered the half-terrified child. “Mommy bought it for me for my birthday, because it was what I most wanted in the whole world. She had to order it special because it was sold out of all the stores.”

“Hey Hon,” quipped Bob Billings, “When are we going to go and beat up those businesses that are profiting off your, uhh, ‘intellectual property’? You ain’t getting a penny of royalties from those dolls, you know – not to mention all the other merch that they’re peddling, in your name.”

The Storied Watcher threw her head back and chuckled – revealing, for a half-second, some alarmingly-sharp canine teeth – and replied, “As I seek neither riches nor material reward, I would have to say that doing such, is an, ahh, ‘low priority’, my love
 and besides, the more little ones like Casey here, who want to hold me in their hands – or next to their hearts – well, the better that would be, from my perspective. Casey
 when you got your dolly, did you ever do such? That is, ‘dream of meeting me’?”

“All the time, each and every day,” earnestly answered the child.

“She’s not the only one,” managed William. “This is just too cool!”

A thought – it might have been a whisper, but somehow, his ears didn’t register a sound – came into the teenager’s head.

It is too cool
 isn’t it? came the thought, in a female voice that must have been Eyrie’s.

Every time Angel Lady does this, it never gets ‘old’ for us. Even though we’ve seen it many times before.

It’s a, like, ‘mystical’ thing, you know.

Way beyond us
 and we’re a few steps ahead of you, dude.

“These kids look up to you, Sari,” opined the ex-salesman. “I’m just glad there are no ‘Bob Billings’ dolls –”

“I wanted to buy one, Mister,” contradicted Casey’s sweet little voice, “They’ve got your whole family, you know. But Mommy said, ‘one doll is enough’
 and anyway, your one was sold out, too.”

Billings sighed, looked wearily up, shook his head and said, “Oh
 wonderful! That’s it, my dear – we need to have a stern conversation with a few marketing managers, I’m afraid. Do we have any ‘New People’ lawyers?”

A wry smile showed on the serene face of the Storied Watcher, as she replied, “I have done the best that I could, to avoid becoming entangled with these ‘lawyers’ to whom you refer; they seem to thrive on pointless confrontation so as to unnecessarily lengthen disputes. As to these dolls, however
 I would like to obtain the full set – although I hope that the manufacturers have done a better job in reproducing your likeness, and that of Tommy, Elissha and Sayuri, than they have done of my poor self! Casey – would you be able to advise me, as to where I could, ahh, ‘place an order’?”

“Oh, for sure!” excitedly answered the child. “You just go to NeoNet – there’s this store, and –”

By now, her parents had partially recovered from the shock of what they had just seen.

Fred was barely able to manage,

“Holy crap! I mean, we never expected

KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij smiled and replied, “I get that a lot, you know. And the next thing is
 well, do you want to know what it is?”

“Yeah… of course,” stammered the father.

“It is, ‘would you and your family, be my friends?’,” explained the alien-girl.

“Sure we will
 but why?” asked Beatrice.

“I need friends,” stated the Storied Watcher. “I never seem to have enough of them.”

“Someone like you? With all your, like, super-powers?” interjected an incredulous William Beaumont.

“Someone exactly like me,” confirmed KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “And one of the greatest of the ‘super-powers’ available to mortal beings, is, ‘having a friend’. To struggle alone against adversity, is a fool’s game. In time, you will understand how correct this motto, actually is.”

“Can I be your
 friend, Mrs. Storied Watcher?” requested Casey’s timid little voice.

The alien-girl bent over, holding her distance to slightly more than where the burning essence of her war-armor, would become uncomfortable for mortals.

She said, “Casey, I would be greatly honored, if you – and William, too – would be my friends. Though I should caution you, ‘being a friend of the Storied Watcher’ sometimes means, ‘exciting and unexpected things may happen to you; and when they do
 you must be ready. Do you understand? If so, are you, ahh, ‘alright with that’?”

“I’m good with that, Ma’am!” quickly answered the Beaumont teenager.

“Be there no formality when you address me,” corrected KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “Just ‘KarĂ©in’ to you
 your family too.”

“Cool, KarĂ©in!” excitedly repeated William. “Can’t believe that I’m doing that!”

She shot him an odd look.

“Perhaps, my young friend,” observed the Storied Watcher, with a far-off, regal look that was now familiar to Billings and the others, “In time
 you and Casey, will do many more things that scarcely can you now envisage.”

Whoa, sent the ex-salesman, to his alien girlfriend.

You mean, “they’re going to join the team”, Sari?

That will be, ahh, up to them, she silently responded.

My quest is, among many other things, to bring the Holy Fire to mortals; but each person, must decide for himself or herself, whether to accept her.

 fine,” he said out loud, to the bewilderment of the Beaumont family (though, not to that of the others in the vicinity). “I suppose I the grand scheme of things, there are still a lot more of ‘them’, than there are of ‘us’. ‘Needing all the help we can get’, I guess.”

“There you go, dude,” supported Drew. “Like
 ‘you can fit all of us New People into a phone booth’ – if there were any of those things, any more.”

“Casey,” offered KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij, “In the interim – before we, ahh, do our ‘Nee-oh Net shopping-expedition’ – would you like to go for a ride? With me, I mean.”

 but where?” innocently asked the child.

“Anywhere that you want to go
 on this planet, that is,” answered the Storied Watcher. “Although I would prefer to keep our trip within the northern hemisphere
 that is, the half of the Earth that is north of that imaginary line that humans call the ‘ee-quay-tor’. Of course we can go anywhere, but visiting the South Pole, for example, might take a little more time than your parents would be comfortable with, so –”

“How are we going to get there?” interjected a visibly-excited Casey.

“The same way how I travel to most places to which I go,” smoothly explained the alien-girl. “By soaring up in the sky, as would a rocket-ship.”

Karéin-Mayréij pointed upwards with the index-finger of the dark scale-mail gauntlet on her left hand, and as she did, a small jet of blue flame shot in the same direction.

She added, “The force of gravity that binds ordinary humans to the surface of this world, means nothing to the New People
 nor to me. We learn how to defy it, just as you learn how to walk.”

“You’ll have to get used to VĂŹrya Ahn’jĂ«,” quipped Kevin McGregor. “To keep warm, I mean. It’s damn cold up there! Even for us
 and we’re used to Canadian winters, of course.”

Sending an envious stare toward the two Toronto-born teenagers, William queried, “You mean, you guys can –”

With shared smirks, phlegmatic shrugs and a barely-visible glow in their eyes, Eyrie and Drew slowly began to rise off the pavement. In a second or two, they were a foot or so off the ground. Then they gradually came back down. A second later, the younger Canadian boy mimicked the action.

 Tommy’s still teaching me, you know,” said Kevin McGregor. “Still getting the hang of it.”

“It’s freakin’ awesome, dude!” teased the Canadian girl, “You’ve got no idea. I’ve already hit 8,000 meters and 600 kilometers per hour, but Kev’s right, if you don’t keep your force-field up, it’s effin’ freezing when you get above the cloud-layer, and you’re, like, gasping for air.”

“Force-field”, thought an envious William.

I read on Neo that these “New People” were, like, super-powerful
 but Jaysus

You don’t know the half of it, dude, came a random thought.

And the fact that you can hear me, is very good news for you.

“Yeah,” added Drew, “And it’s damn scary flying at night, especially at low levels in bad weather. One time about a month ago I was doing, like, 300 clicks or so, wasn’t paying attention – was just using my ‘human eyes’ – and I ran right into the side of hill. Nothing hurt but my pride, don’t you know
 but I learned my lesson. I’m sticking to day-trips, for now.”

“Before you get any bright ideas,” continued Eyrie, “Did I mention, she keeps tellin’ us that we’re only supposed to go flying when nobody’s around, ‘to avoid causing a scene’. Isn’t that right, Angel Lady?”

“Do you want ‘pah-par-at-see-men’ besieging you with their cameras and incessant, privacy-invading questions, everywhere you go, my sister?” patiently counseled the Storied Watcher. “My arts tell me that they are on their way here, as we speak. This is, for better or worse, my fate; but I would prefer it not to be yours, not until you are ready. Is there any wisdom in the words that I speak?”

“Yeah,” ruefully admitted the teenager. “But it’s not my fault that I can’t, like, go invisible, like you do – so when Drew, Kev and I, uhh, ‘lift off’, everybody and his dog, gets to see us.”

“Perhaps, in time, you will learn of some other way to conceal yourselves,” proposed the alien-girl, with a kindly, supportive smile. “Powerful are you now; greater still, yet will you be. Much awaits you and your brothers, noble young super-hero Eyrie McGregor.”

“Wow,” said the Canadian teenager, as she exchanged stares with her brother. “Well, that’s good to hear.”

“Now just a minute, Ms. MayrĂ©ij –” protested a visibly-nervous Fred Beaumont. “I don’t think –”

“Just ‘KarĂ©in’”, she corrected. “I do not have a last name
 at least, not that I know of.”

“Okay, fine, whatever,” acknowledged the father. “It’s just that my daughter is much too young to go off on some, uhh, ‘flying-trip’ off to God-knows-where. And there’s something else; she has a physical condition. She needs constant accompaniment by people trained to support her, if she has a sudden, uhh, episode, so you must understand, we can’t –”

“I know it,” evenly replied the Storied Watcher. “I believe that this malady is called ‘epilepsy’, in your language, is it not?”

Casey put her hands over her ears and whined, “Don’t use that word! I don’t like it! I hate that thing!”

Again, KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij came to rest on one knee, rather closer to the child than would have been comfortable considering the burning essence of the alien-girl’s weirding-armor; but somehow, this did not seem to faze the little girl.

“Casey,” said the Storied Watcher from under gold-glowing eyes, “I understand how you feel about this cruel thing that so afflicts you. I feel the sadness and frustration, right in your mind; and ‘can I really do that?’
 yes, I can. What would you say, if I told you that I can cure this ‘epilepsy’, so it goes away and never, ever comes back?”

The child didn’t get an immediate chance to respond, as Beatrice interrupted,

“Please don’t say things like that to my daughter! Epilepsy’s a neurological condition
 and it’s incurable! Frankly, I’m amazed that she hasn’t had a seizure in the last ten minutes – usually flashes of light, or excitement set her off. But whatever you are, there’s nothing you can do about it. All you’re doing is setting my daughter up for terrible disappointment. Please stop!”

“Mom,” cautioned William while he grabbed his mother’s forearm, “Chill! You got the faintest idea who you’re arguing with? She can, like, blow up the whole effin’ planet –”

Karéin-Mayréij arose and pivoted in place, turning to directly face the instantly-frightened human woman.

Though it had never fully waned, the alien-girl’s supernatural presence seemed to be waxing from second to second, as she temporarily diverted her attention to the Beaumont teenager.

“Actually, you know,” she noted with an insouciant shrug, “It is just a ‘comet’ that shattered under my burning wrath; and I would have to blast my way down through thousands of kil-o-mee-ters of rock, to reach the core of this planet, then to do the same –”

“I personally saw her do about a mile of bedrock, up in Alaska, you know,” observed Bob Billings. “I’m sure she’s good for a lot more than that.”

The Storied Watcher laughed and said, “A big challenge
 one that never would I do, in any event. But could I? Perhaps. Now let me tell you about something that I can – the Gods and your mother willing – yea, that I will do.”

She turned to address Beatrice.

“Honored sister,” cajoled KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij, “I realize that you speak only in what you perceive to be the best interests of your daughter
 and in that, no reasonable person – certainly, not me – could fault you. But hear me now! My essence and substance are different from what has ever been on Earth; I can do things that the untutored call ‘miracles’. One of these is, ‘curing maladies that defy mundane treatments’. I will be honest – there may be some issues that can defy even my arts; but so far, none such as these have I encountered, ere I woke up on the fourth planet from your star. So doubt me not! However

 what?” uneasily asked Fred.

“Do you remember how I said that I would be honest with you?” mentioned the Storied Watcher.

“Please do,” requested Beatrice.

“Oh-kay,” complied the alien-girl. “Here is the – ahh – ‘trade-off’. I can cure Casey’s epilepsy-disease; of that, be assured; but, in so doing, I must change her
 irrevocably. Her innate life-force will be supplemented by the enervating power of the Holy Fire – whose blessed name is Amaiish in my own tongue – and she will come to possess one or more of the ‘super-powers’ that you earlier heard Drew and Eyrie, speak of. That is, your daughter will become a ‘super-being’. Her life will be much longer than would otherwise have been the case, and many other blessings will she have bestowed upon her; but she will no longer be, ‘human’, and – as a ‘super-being’ – she will be expected to behave accordingly. For example, if there is a house-fire, and she is there, she must use her weirding-powers to save lives, as best she can. As Casey is not of the age of decision, you must decide on her behalf.”

“You probably don’t have a lot of time to chew this over,” unhelpfully added Bob Billings. “Usually the paparazzi track us down in a half-hour, max, from when we show up on anybody’s security-camera. Which, let me remind you, was a bit less than a half-hour ago, from right now.”

The Amerindian boy – who had been taciturn up to this point – spoke up.

“My mom’s an angel, you know,” he declared. “You don’t say ‘no’ to an angel!”

“Let her do it!” plaintively demanded Eyrie. “It’s the greatest gift that anyone could ever get. Honestly.”

Utterly out of their depth, Beatrice and Fred Beaumont stared helplessly at each other.

“Jaysus,” the father – completely unaware of the enhanced auditory abilities of those in the vicinity – whispered to his mate. “I thought we were gonna, like, maybe get a few quick bucks out of these jokers, but –”

“I don’t like it, Fred,” argued the wife, sotto voce. “I mean
 a ‘super-being’ for a daughter? What if she, I don’t know, has a fit, and fires a death-ray or something, at us? Or –”

“The whole idea is to cure her of those ‘fits’,” contradicted an insincerely-smirking Bob Billings. “And I’ve got three ‘super-beings’ as kids, and we do just fine!”

“Yeah, but you can go invisible, and you’ve got a force-field to protect you from those death-rays,” observed Drew McGregor. “And about those mind-blowin’ green lightening-bolts that you can fire –”

“Whose side are you on, anyway?” countered the ex-salesman. “You do a sales-job, you never mention them little ol’ ‘negatives’, up front
 let the customers figure them out, for themselves!”

An exasperated Karéin-Mayréij sighed wearily and looked upward to the heavens.

“We are not ‘selling’, anything here,” she stated. “We are offering up a path of greatness, nobility and – not incidentally – good health, to a dear child, whose sincere dreams of same can be fulfilled here, now, today. Casey’s mother and father seek to protect her out of love and duty, as any good parent would do
 as I did myself for my three little ones, not very long ago. They must decide what is best for their daughter, and never would we disobey their word. So I say to my brother Fred and sister Beatrice
 choose well!”

Except for the faint pseudo-notes of war-songs (more than one, evidently, although it was hard to tell whose were actually playing) in the distance, silence fell momentarily upon the group. But eventually, Beatrice Beaumont forced herself to say,

 do you remember what the doctor said to us, before we came up here? About, like, how your, uhh, ‘problem’ might get worse, the older that you become? And how you would have to take more and more of those drugs, for the rest of your life?”

“Umm-hmm,” confirmed the little girl. “’Member what I told him?”

“Yeah,” answered the mother. “The drugs are ‘yucky’, but you were okay with taking them. Right?”

“Right,” replied Casey. “They make me feel awful sometimes, but if you and Daddy say I have to take them, then I will.”

 you don’t want to go with Ms. KarĂ©in, then?”

“Yes, I do,” contradicted the child.

“But I thought you said –” stammered Fred.

“I want to go with Ms. KarĂ©in, because I want to be like her,” explained Casey. “I want to be a super-hero. I want to learn how to fly, up in the air, like she does. I want to save people. It’s what I was meant to do, all along. Do you understand, Mommy?”

“No!” protested Beatrice. “You’re way too young to know what all that means, sweetheart! We want you to just be a daughter – our daughter –”

Ooo-ooo-ooo, sounded the entrancing, adrenaline-pumping chords of a slowly-waxing war-song, somewhere far off.

It seemed that the intimidating, divine presence of the Storied Watcher had surged along with the pseudo-music, as her next words were heard.

“They belong to you, yes, of course they do, for as long as you all shall live,” she claimed, “But they also belong to the world
 to the service of your human brothers and sisters. A moment ago, your daughter spoken not in the voice of a child, but in those of the veritable Gods, themselves. Fred, Beatrice – I feel your thoughts of worry and unease, and never would I condemn these, they are perfectly natural and appropriate – but all children grow up sooner or later; yours will just do so, a little earlier than usual; and when they do, they will be as giants among men and women. This is what Fate has chosen for these two –”

“These two?” feverishly speculated William’s racing mind.

Does that mean

Congratulations, dude! came the narrow-cast from Eyrie McGregor.

Welcome to the team!

“And it will be up to your son, as the elder one, to guide his sister, as the Holy Fire flowers and burns in each one’s heart,” continued KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “It will take some, ahh, ‘getting-used-to’, but do not be scared! You will still be their parents, and they will still be your children. They will go to school, they will do everything that ‘normal’ children do
 but they will have, ahh, a few more lessons to learn. I believe that these are called ‘ex-tra-coor-ee-kew-lar activities’, in Eng-lish –”

“Yeah,” muttered Drew, “Like, ‘don’t take your eyes off where you’re headed, when flyin’ at night.”

Ha, ha, maliciously sent his sister.

“Can you
 can you really heal her?” tremulously asked Beatrice. “No, uhh, B.S.?”

With a steely – yet friendly – look in her eyes, the alien-girl replied, “Yes, I can. As surely as you see me here before you, today
 this blessing, will the Storied Watcher of the Many Worlds, give to you and your child, asking nothing except your trust, in return.”

She got down on one knee, folded her hands in front in a prayer-gesture, looked up with a combination of supernatural grandeur and mundane humility at the man and woman and concluded,

“You can say ‘no’ and we will accept that, always being friends thereafter
 but I beg you to say ‘yes’! Say ‘yes’, good parents! Open the path of nobility, for the next and future generations of Clan Beaumont of Milford, Delaware!”

How the hell does she know where we come from? mused an overwhelmed Fred Beaumont.

“Forgotten who you’re talking to, man?” chided Bob Billings. “So I’m told, I’m her ‘better half’
 and most of the time, I don’t have a clue what the hell she’s up to, or what she’s capable of.”

With Karéin-Mayréij still maintaining her borderline-unnerving submissive-gesture, Fred asked,

“So how do you cope?”

“I kind of just go with the flow,” indifferently mentioned the ex-salesman. “‘Learn a new thing every day’, if you know what I mean. She can do this for your kid, you know. Let her. Please.”

They both noticed that – apparently despite her best intentions – a wry grin had appeared at the far edges of the Storied Watcher’s mouth.

“What’s so funny?” idly inquired Billings.

“I do so try to be dignified – to respect the gravity of a situation,” she explained, “But always, dear Bob, do you, ahh, ‘bring me down to Earth’ – is that not how one says it?”

She looked downward, avoiding their eyes.

There was another prolonged pause; but eventually, Beatrice spoke,

“Maybe I’ll regret saying this
 but if there’s even a chance of Casey being cured of this thing, I’d never forgive myself if I said ‘no’. So I guess that’s a ‘yes’. Fred?”

The Beaumont father – at his wit’s end – followed suit with, “You’re probably right about ‘regretting it later’, but yeah
 I guess it’s worth a try. One condition, though.”

An exultant Storied Watcher, joy on her face (which was matched by the expressions on those of William and Casey), arose to her feet and asked, “And what would that be, friends?”

“If they start to, uhh, fly off somewhere – or do crazy, super-powered stuff like that – can we call you up, so you can come over and read ‘em the Riot Act?” demanded Fred Beaumont.

“Read them
 read them the what?” responded a perplexed-looking KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “That sounds like something from a play? Like, an ‘act’ of a theater-production, on stage, I mean?”

As giggles and guffaws went through the throng, Billings corrected, “No, no, hon
 the ‘Riot Act’ is something that the cops warn unruly crowds about, like, they take a bull-horn and say, ‘everybody go home, or you’ll be arrested’ or whatever. It basically means ‘warning somebody that they’re misbehaving’
 you get it?”

“Another Eng-lish ‘saying’,” grumbled the alien-girl. “That one cannot possibly know how to interpret, until it is explained. Oh well. Now I know about the ‘Riot Act’, as it is called. Hooray for me. Anyway, Fred, Beatrice – do not worry about this issue. Not only will I provide you with a way to, ahh, ‘call for me’, but moreover
 I will introduce you to other human parents of ‘New People’, who have lately ended up in the same situation that you, happily, will shortly find yourself in –”

“Simon and Geraldine
 right?” interrupted Drew McGregor.

 yes,” answered the Storied Watcher.

“You might want to brief ‘em first
 you know?” teased the male Canadian teenager.

“I am sure that all will be well,” parried the alien-girl. “I mean
 the Billings clan of Phoenix have truly figured out how to cope with such issues as Fred raised, a minute ago –”

“You mean like when Dylan melted half of Mr. Simon Billings’ car-engine, when he tried to mimic what you did to start Mr. Bob Billings’ coche, back in, like, Idaho or whatever?” quipped Eyrie. “If I were you, Angel Lady, I’d hook Fred and Beatrice here up with our own Mom and Dad. They’re coping with the, uhh, ‘super-being’ thing, a bit better than those folks down in Arizona, if you know what I mean.”

“Except for the ‘we want our RV back’ thing,” maliciously added Drew. “Ever since you built that space-ship out of it, that is. Dad can’t get the insurance-claim processed until he can tell them, what really happened. He tried, but they didn’t believe him. Can’t blame them
 I wouldn’t, if I was them.”

“Yes, but I did that to save
 oh, forget it,” complained the Storied Watcher. “I will, ahh, ‘get around to that, real soon now’. I keep being called away to handle airplane-crashes, flash-floods and train-wrecks. ‘Priorities’, you know.”

“Can we take back saying ‘yes’?” nervously requested Beatrice Beaumont.

“No take-backs, stamped it, no rub-outs!” cheekily exclaimed Tommy.

“No!” contradicted Casey. She rushed over to the flaming embrace of KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij, who held the child tightly. Beatrice and Fred were initially shocked and terrified, as they expected Casey to be badly burned. But – to their mutual astonishment – the little girl seemed not to be harmed in the least.

“How does it feel, little one?” gushed the Storied Watcher.

“Nice,” replied Casey. “Like I’m getting stronger, all the time.”

“It’s started,” evenly mentioned Bob Billings.

“Hey, William!” called Eyrie.

“Yeah?” replied the teenager.

“Close your eyes,” demanded the Canadian girl.

“Why should I?” he countered.

“It’s just a quick test,” she claimed. “You’ll feel something weird, like, surrounding you – kinda hard to describe, there’s nothing I can really compare it to – try not to fight it. Then you’ll feel yourself lifting up a bit. I’ll count to three, and then I’ll let you down; but – with your eyes still closed – try to imagine landing on one of those rubber mats that they have on the floor in Judo class. Except think that there are, like, three of them piled one on top of the other, between you and the pavement. Got it?”

With a look of trepidation William shut his eyelids, muttering, “This sounds stupid, but as long as she’s on-board with it – hey, KarĂ©in, you are on-board, aren’t you –?”

 for sure, young prince,” came back the bemused-sounding reply.

 what? Whatever,” he said. “Okay, go for it.”

“Here we go,” declared Eyrie; and now, all in the vicinity heard the exciting, warbling notes of her personal war-song, as – to the surprise of none, save the boy’s parents – his feet started to slowly lift off the surface of the parking-lot, rising at a speed of about an inch every two seconds. He stopped at a height of perhaps a foot.

“Holy crap,” inveighed William, “No shit, it feels ‘weird’
 like I’ve got little hands pressing in on me from everywhere, pushing up
 but there’s nothing solid doing it, I can tell

“Oh-kay,” continued Eyrie. “Now, don’t let your feet hang down – keep ‘em flat to the ground. Three-count, and down you go. Remember – you’re landing on a big cushion, right under your shoes. Ready?”

Her psycho-music was still playing – albeit, in a more muted way – in the background.

“As I’ll ever be, which is ‘not at all’,” muttered William.

“Consider yourself as getting off easy,” maliciously interjected Bob Billings. “I had to hop a hundred feet into the dark, when I took my own first ‘jump into the unknown’.”

 one,” counted the Canadian girl. “Down we go!”

The planet’s gravity worked on William and he dropped; but at a height of about six inches, his downward motion ebbed considerably, and then – with his feet no more than about an inch off the ground – he stopped entirely.

He was floating, albeit at a marginal height, over the pavement surrounding the grocery-store.

“You might want to open your eyes,” instructed Eyrie.

William complied, and – half-afraid – he looked downward.

Something’s wrong here, he thought.

But what the hell is it? I don’t see –

There were satisfied smirks on the faces of everyone except his parents (whose expression was one of wide-eyed, wary amazement).

“What’s so, uhh, ‘interesting’?” he asked.

“Put one foot out and step forward,” suggested Drew. “See what happens, dude.”

Reluctantly, William did so, extending his left foot. To his surprise, he immediately discovered that this dropped down as if he had missed a step on a ladder or staircase, partially unbalancing him; fortunately, however, the distance involved was minuscule, and he remained upright, though leaning forward at an awkward angle.

“Now move the other one,” requested Eyrie.

“I feel like a little kid learning how to walk,” mumbled William.

As he moved his right foot, it, too, dropped down, until both of his feet were firmly-ensconced in normal fashion, on the surface of the parking-lot.

“You’re not learning how to walk,” smugly counseled Eyrie. “Not that, at all.”

 what, then?” peevishly responded William.

“You’re learning how to fly,” she answered, with an overjoyed look. “You were floating, a bit off the pavement, until you started walking forward – which, as we get told, signals to your brain, ‘turn off the telekinesis’. You know what that all means?”

Eyrie’s war-song, never completely extinguished, now sounded somewhat louder.

 no, not really,” uneasily replied the American teenager.

“You’re one of us now,” observed Drew McGregor. “Welcome to the alien side, man!”

 that fast?” stammered William.

“Took two seconds for your sister to learn how to ignore Angel-Lady’s permanent-campfire armor, you know,” added Eyrie. “Not a half hour before we met you in the store, if she or you had tried that, you’d be in a hospital for six months, if you survived long enough to get to an ambulance. Like my bro’ said, dude
 ‘welcome to the New People’. You and Casey are on the high-road, now. Buckle up – it’s gonna be quite a ride!”

“It feels nice in here,” came the child’s contented voice, from within the Storied Watcher’s cradling arms. “It’s warm
 but in a funny way. I don’t think there’s words for this, Mommy and Daddy.”

Nervously, Fred Beaumont reached out in the direction of the Storied Watcher, until his finger was almost in contact with VĂŹrya Ahn’jë’s burning surface; but upon pushing forward yet, he yelped in pain, muttered a muffled curse and tried to soothe the pain of a seared finger-tip, by inserting it into his mouth.

 I don’t understand,” he said. “Touching you is like touching the fire from a blow-torch! How is Casey –”

“Because she’s a ‘super-being’ now,” evenly interjected Kevin McGregor. “Like Tommy, me and the rest of us.”

“Her personal force-field protects her, and her clothes as well,” explained KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “This is usually one of the first weirding-arts to develop in a New Person – as is the mind-push-pull power, just demonstrated by newly-discovered young prince William. Like many other aspects of the Holy Fire, I do not know why this is; but I have accepted it. Although
 when first I, ahh, landed on this planet, this blessing was often late-coming to the New People, and that fact placed many members of my family – not least, my beloved Bob and Tommy – in terrible straits –”

“You can say that again, Sari,” grimly noted Billings. “It was hell. We almost died, due to the tender mercies of the U.S. government – they wanted us dead, for reasons good, bad or indifferent. I still honestly don’t have a clue how we survived the whole nightmare. You new, New People recruits don’t know how good you’ve got it –”

“You never told us that the damn U.S. government was hunting you!” shouted an alarmed Fred Beaumont, more loudly than would have been advisable, considering the proximity of grocery-shoppers only a hundred or so feet away. “Does that mean they’ll be trying to hurt –”

“Chill!” requested the ex-salesman with a “hands-down” gesture, “That was then; this is now. Sari, Tommy and me – along with a few others of us – visited the White House and kind of reached a working arrangement with them –”

“Only after we wrecked the Oval Office, though,” added a smirking Tommy. “After we scared the President shitless –”

He suppressed a giggle, upon receiving an exasperated, cautioning stare from his alien “mother”.

The Amerindian boy, and Kevin McGregor, exchanged “high-fives”.

“Well, yeah
 we did kind of do a number on him – that much is true,” elaborated Bob Billings. “But at the end of the day, he had to call off the goons that were chasing us, and so far, our little ‘truce’ has held admirably. Truth is, folks – we’re the meanest S.O.B.’s in the valley
 capiche? Even without Sari’s help, neither the President of the United States, nor any of the other ones at his level, have much of a chance against us. They all know that. So don’t worry. The kids are alright, if you know what I’m saying.”

“It’s true, Dad,” mentioned William Beaumont. “I saw a bunch of videos on Neo, and it looked like KarĂ©in and the rest of them had, like, made up with the President. Or maybe it was that he had made up with them –”

“Much more the latter,” smugly observed Bob Billings. “He didn’t have much of a choice.”

“Our relationship with the American government has certainly, ahh, ‘evolved’ over time,” carefully stated the Storied Watcher. “Right now, I would describe it as ‘polite, if not always completely cordial’. The President has his duties and jurisdiction; the New People and I, have our own. There is much for us to do – for example helping people to survive and recover from natural disasters and other such mishaps – that do not bring us into conflict with human governments.”

“Like the rest of us,” she continued, “William and Casey will have to learn how to use their abilities, always in the service of others – never for their own aggrandizement; and to make this clear, I will shortly have a solemn pledge for both of them to repeat in my presence. They will have to fully agree to its terms and conditions for the Holy Fire to flourish within them – just as you will have to learn to accept many other developments – some with which you will likely be unfamiliar and unprepared – while your children grow, both in age and weirding-powers. But do not be afraid! This is a great thing
 a wonderful thing!”

“I guess we’ll have to see,” commented a clearly-worried Beatrice Beaumont. “Since we’re in too far to get out.”

 what do we do now?” asked Fred.

“The publicity-men are on their way here,” advised the Storied Watcher. Looking kindly downward at the child’s cradled figure, she asked, “Casey
 have you decided where you want to go?”

“I want to go see that big tower that leans over,” demanded the little girl. “But
 I kinda forgot what it’s called, or where it is. If you can find it, can you fix it? So it’s standing straight up, I mean.”

KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij laughed and replied, “The building to which you refer is called the ‘Leaning Tower’, and it is in a city called ‘Pisa’ on a sea-coast in the country of Italy, far across yonder Atlantic Ocean. Could I, ahh, ‘straighten it up’? Sure I could – but I should not, because as New People, we use our powers when we have to, not just when we want to. Still, if I were to take you there, just to look and to touch it
 would you come with me, Casey?”

“I sure would!” excitedly squealed the child.

“Across the Atlantic Ocean?” protested a frightened Beatrice Beaumont. “That’s thousands of miles! Apart from it being terribly dangerous to try to cross it – we’ll be waiting here for a day or more, before you could get back –”

“Actually, it will take us a little less than an hour to travel there, and another to return,” diffidently countered the alien-girl. “As I recall, it is about 7,000 of your ‘kil-o-mee-ters’ distance from here. Of course I could travel much faster than this, but to do so would require flying into above the strat-o-sphere for both parts of the trip, and I would not want to, ahh, ‘stress’ your children too much. Their force-fields are yet undeveloped, and might not fully protect them in the outer atmosphere.”

She paused for a second and added, “I should also point out that factoring in travel-time, it will be early evening in Italy, when we arrive. In other words, we may have trouble finding a rest-o-raunt where we can order a nice, authentic pizza. Ah
 such are the issues with flying to the far side of a planet!”

“You can’t – nobody can –” stammered Fred.

There was a smirk on William’s face as he accosted his father, saying, “Dad
 remember what I said to Mom? Don’t forget who you’re talking to, here! Did you hear what she did to that big, uhh, what was it –”

“It was the Washington Monument, in the city where the President lives,” triumphantly reminded Tommy. “Mom sliced the top third of it clean off, by blasting it with her energy-beams! And she dropped the top part into the President’s front lawn –”

There was a malicious grin on the Storied Watcher’s face as, under brightly-glowing eyes, she interrupted, saying,

“That was kind of ‘impressive’
 was it not? Well, after all, at the time, the President was not taking me seriously
 so I felt that I needed to, ahh, ‘get his attention’. I would say that I succeeded! As I understand it, the American government is trying to figure out how to put the top-part of that obelisk back where it belongs; I really must head down there to assist them, ‘one of these days’. Lamentably, I have so many other priorities on my scheduling-app, you know. In any event – time is growing short; if we are to leave here before the pa-par-at-zee show up, it must be in the next few minutes. William?”

“What?” asked the teenager.

“Are you coming?” pressed the alien-girl. “With us, I mean.”

“But I’m too big for you to carry, like I guess you’re going to do with Case, there – I’ll fall off, and –” he nervously argued.

“Just put your arm behind my back, crossing my neck,” instructed KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “VĂŹrya Ahn’jĂ« will no more hurt you than she has done to Casey; and my own tel-ee-kin-ee-sis is powerful enough to lift an ocean-liner-ship over my head, so I suspect that I will have no trouble ensuring that you will, ahh, ‘stay with us’.”

“Shit,” inveighed William. “I mean, I always wanted to see Italy, but our class trip got canceled when the, uhh, ‘comet’ thing came along – look, Case, couldn’t you pick something a bit, like, nearer? Maybe New York City, or –”

“Nope!” smugly responded the little girl. “We’ve been there, anyway. I want to see that bending-over tower!”

“Okay, fine, whatever,” retreated William. With a worried expression he stepped over to come alongside the alien-girl; then, wincing all the way, he gingerly draped his left arm over the Storied Watcher’s supple shoulder.

“Damn,” he managed to say. “Case’s right – this is, like, the ultimate in weirdness
 I can feel how hot it is, but somehow, it doesn’t hurt. Crazy stuff.”

“Now, now, young prince
 VĂŹrya Ahn’jĂ« is not an ‘it’; she is a living being, and much can you learn by conversing with her and her other siblings, who adorn my body,” gently chided KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “You and Casey will have plenty of time to do that, as we go forth
 once you have recited the ‘pledge’, that is. Are you ready?”

William and Casey both silently nodded.

Her ethereal, stirring, inspiring war-song – with the sounds of an orchestra of violins and other, less familiar musical-instruments, detailing its melody – waxed rapidly in the background.

The alien-girl looked skyward. Her eyes were glowing bright-yellow. The heat of her divine presence became oppressive (although, inexplicably, this did not seem to affect the two Beaumont children, who were up close with her).

“To Pisa!” she called out. “Back in two hours, friends!”

With shocking speed – far more than, Fred and Beatrice realized, a human being could withstand – the mighty Storied Watcher rocketed upward, almost too fast even for more-than-human eyes could track.

The two bewildered, heart-sick Beaumont parents huddled together, with both leaning forward from the stern-end of a nearby car.

A genial smile on his face, Bob Billings slowly approached them. He turned to the three Canadians and asked,

“We gotta put the groceries away
 but say, do you kids know of any good restaurants around here?”

– END –

Series Updates (Year-End, 2022)

To all readers : Here’s a quick update on the status of the Angel Brings Fire, Future Burns Bright and Bonnie’s New Auntie series of novels, as of the end of 2022.

I took a hiatus from writing last year to attend to various personal matters (long story there; in my “day job” I’m an IT security consultant, and things have been busy at work), as well as attending to issues with some of the publishers from whom you can acquire these books.

Furthermore, in mid-2022, my wife and I welcomed a family of Ukrainian refugees (from Mariupol… need I say more) into our home, and much of the rest of the year found us preoccupied with trying to help these people “get settled” in Canada. It’s amazing how much we take for granted in North America… for example, just the ability to register one’s children in school; this is anything but “easy” if you’ve showed up in a foreign country, with little more than the proverbial shirt on your back.

Let’s hope that the terrible war now plaguing Ukraine comes to a rapid and just end in 2023. The people of that beleaguered country have suffered far too much, already.

Anyway, hopefully the issues that complicated the ABF / FBB / BNA project are now (mostly) dealt with and I’ll have more ability to write in 2023.

And on that note, right now, I’m considering a variety of potential story lines that would take place after the events of the previous novel series.

These are :

(1.) The further exploits of one Ms. Bonnie Billings (and her side-kicks, Megha and Anna-Maria), as the three teenagers (and Bonnie’s brother Dylan) learn the “ups and downs” of “how to be a super-hero”.

(2.) In the vein of “Gulliver brought down by the Lilliputians”, KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij is beset by lawsuits over “slights real or imagined”, brought by various U.S. citizens who believe that she (and / or her followers among the “New People) has somehow wronged them. The President and Minnie Chu are caught in the frustrating position of having to support petty harassment of an alien goddess who saved the planet from complete destruction… something tells me that this all will turn out badly for the complainants! 😉

(3.) Some or all of the crew of the now-defunct Eagle and Infinity spacecraft, re-visit Mars (but this time, without the distraction of a planet-killer comet, on their minds). What do they find, as they explore the cave complex where they first found mighty KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij? Do they encounter the “Ancient Ones” that the Storied Watcher described to Bob Billings?

(4.) Fast-forward a few years; characters like Curtis Claremont, Elissha Billings and Kevin McGregor, are now young adults, each with his or her own super-powers. How do they use these abilities? Are they all still able to obey the Storied Watcher’s orders never to use super-powers, in a “dishonorable” manner?

(5.) Then, there are some really “out there” possibilities; for example, stories set in the far future (in which Earth, now mostly populated by “super-beings”, ventures out into interstellar space), or in which an evil Watcher (one whom KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij thought that she had defeated, eons ago and galaxies away, tracks her down on Earth, resulting in a Titanic battle), or in which the Storied Watcher is forced to abandon Earth entirely, for some catastrophic reason… or other themes to similar effect.

I’m honestly not sure which, if any, of the above appeal to me, and note that one or more of these themes could be combined in the same novel or novels… but if you have a preference, now’s the time to say! (Drop me an entry in the blog’s “Comments” section.)

Happy New Year, everyone!

Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright and Bonnie’s New Auntie


Bonnie’s New Auntie, is PUBLISHED!

I’m very proud to announce the general availability release of my latest science fiction / modern fantasy novel, entitled Bonnie’s New Auntie.

This is an “Epilogue” to the final volume of The Future Burns Bright (e.g. Book #4, The Future Alight, of the second series); however, Bonnie’s New Auntie, can also be read as a “stand-alone” novel, without having read either The Angel Brings Fire or The Future Burns Bright, beforehand. (Obviously, though, you will understand more of what’s going on, if you have read the previous two series.)

Bonnie’s New Auntie is also a more “Young Adult” – oriented novel compared to the earlier series… although there’s plenty within it to interest audiences of all ages! The book can be ordered from Amazon (paperback / Kindle format), from Lulu (EPUB iPad format) and from Google Play Books (PDF generic e-Book format).

The Plot (spoiler alert!)

The novel tells the story of one Bonnie Billings, 16.5-year-old daughter of Simon Billings of Phoenix, Arizona… and, therefore, niece to Bob Billings, of Tucson, in the same state. Endlessly bullied and condemned by her weight and personal appearance issues to being “the last kid called for the volleyball team” at her boring, run-of-the-mill American suburban high-school, Bonnie’s day-to-day routine is all about “surviving… not thriving”.

Tonight, Bonnie’s Uncle Bob (and, his mysterious and newly-acquired immediate family) are due to drop in to the Phoenix Billings clan’s residence, for a long-postponed get-together. Bonnie isn’t looking forward to the occasion; especially, she fumes at seeing Uncle Bob’s new trophy girlfriend, whose unnatural, supermodel-like attractiveness is everything that Bonnie ever wanted for herself (but couldn’t dream of obtaining).

Bonnie hates this newcomer, with a resentful, jealous passion. But the Billings teenager is in for a big surprise… because “Sari” (as Uncle Bob’s new “squeeze” has been introduced to the Billings clan), is unlike anyone who has ever walked on the face of Planet Earth… and Bonnie’s humdrum, “C”-student lifestyle, is about to get the ultimate in “celebrity make-overs”!

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ll enjoy reading Bonnie’s New Auntie as much as I enjoyed writing it, over the past year or so; COVID-19 has been difficult for everyone, and perhaps reading the novel will help you forget about the pandemic for a short while. (Semi-relevant sidenote : The Storied Watcher’s “New People”, while naturally immune to virtually all human diseases, also can’t get vaccinated… since you can’t stick a needle into them without it being melted off; and even if you somehow got the vaccine into their bloodstream, it would be automatically destroyed by their alien-powers. So — when “COVID-40” shows its ugly face… are the “New People” the only sentient beings left on Planet Earth? Or do they all die off, because they can’t be vaccinated? 😈 )

As always, if you have any comments or observations (good, bad or indifferent), by all means leave them as responses to this blog; I read all of them and value everyone’s perspective.


Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire, The Future Burns Bright and Bonnie’s New Auntie




The Future Burns Bright, is PUBLISHED!

I’m very proud to announce that (after many fits and starts, not to mention unanticipated delays), the second and final series of novels in the combined tale of the Storied Watcher’s advent on Earth, in 2040, has finally been published!

The Future Burns Bright consists of four volumes, entitled as follows :

  • Storm In The North (Book #1)
  • The Race (Book #2)
  • Against Time* (Book #3)
  • The Future Alight (Book #4)

Note : Against Time was previously known as The Race (Part 2).

As of today, these novels are available in both e-Book (Kindle / .MOBI) and paperback formats from Amazon (the .EPUB and .PDF e-Book versions for Apple iBookstore and Google Play Books are available now for the first two novels; the rest will be published later).

Here’s the URL that you can use to find The Future Burns Bright, on Amazon :


Note : For some obscure reason, Amazon has labeled Storm In The North and The Race as being in a “2-book series” (whereas, of course, the series incorporates all four novels referenced above). Fortunately, this does not have any effect on your ability to access and purchase the other two novels of The Future Burns Bright.

There will be ample time for “lessons learned” and reflections later, but for the record… writing the story of KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij’s advent on Earth in the year 2040, has certainly been a lot of work, and while I’m completely satisfied by the final results, I’m glad to be finally at the end of this marathon.

I will still be publishing bits and pieces of the narrative on this blog (and elsewhere) over the foreseeable future, of course; but I will be taking a hard-earned rest from “real” novel-writing, for the time being.

Also for the record, I’d like to answer a question that comes up from time to time : “Why did you do two different book series… and why is each series made up of four fairly-long novels?”

There are many technical reasons (associated with the paperback publishing process) for this, but the honest answer is, “I wanted to write the story that I wanted to write”… it’s basically that simple.

As all authors know all too well, when one embarks on a project like this, one is besieged with (often, unsolicited) advice (often from people who have never written, much less published, anything longer than a business memo) about “how to make your books, ‘better'”). Either the book is too long, or it’s too short, or it has too much dialogue or action, or too little, or, or, or… (you get the idea). Failure to fully implement all of this (often, self-contradictory) “sage advice” inevitably (in the opinion of your self-appointed “editors”) will inevitably doom your novels to the bargain bin in Walmart, or wherever.

One tries to be polite when listening to this stuff, but everybody has their own limits, I suppose.

So, at the end of the day,  either one writes the book that one is satisfied with reading back to oneself, or one doesn’t. That’s what I tried to do. It’s up to you to evaluate how successful the effort ultimately was.

Long before I started out on writing The Angel Brings Fire, I had a very clear idea of who KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij is, what motivates her, and so on; she’s obviously a complex, multi-faceted character, and shortly after putting pen to paper I realized that even if just writing a short book about her might be theoretically possible… it wasn’t what I wanted to do.

I wanted to write a narrative that would not only be interesting for other people to read, but that would fully explore the Storied Watcher’s personality, that would explain the nature of her supernatural powers, and that would (in particular) show how she reacts to and overcomes, adversity. I also wanted to properly depict what might happen to human society, if a being on KarĂ©in’s level actually showed up on Planet Earth (clearly, this wouldn’t be just some story that gets its “15 minutes of fame” and then everybody goes back to following the sports scores). Finally, there’s the concept of “wouldn’t it be great, to have super-powers?” Sure it would… as long as it doesn’t get a government run by nervous (but otherwise quite ordinary) human beings, declaring you to be “Public Enemy #1”! 😉

I’m confident that the combined Angel Brings Fire and Future Burns Bright series, accomplishes these goals… but of course, at the end of the day, that judgment isn’t up to me, as the author : it’s up to you, as the reader!

And in the same vein, there’s another often-asked question that I’d like to address, here; namely, “Is KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij actually an ‘angel’, in the Biblical (supernatural) sense?”

I have my own ideas about this, but I will leave it to you, the readers (as well as to others such as Devon White, the Claremont family, Minnie Chu, Sylvia Abruzzio, Hector Ramirez, Sam Jacobson, Cherie Tanaka, Brent Boyd, Tommy George, Elissha, Sayuri and, of course, poor old Floor-Tile Sales Agent Extraordinaire Bob Billings), to form your own conclusions on that subject.

All that I have to add, is what I fancy Karéin herself would likely say, if one were to ask her the same question :

“Is it not that an ‘angel’ is… as an ‘angel’ does?”


Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire and The Future Burns Bright

Epilogue : Meet You On The Beach


(if you read this one before reading the rest of the books, it’s on “you”… not “me”! 😉 )

As has been noted elsewhere, editorial work on the entirety of The Future Burns Bright, has now been completed; but as of now (early December, 2019), according to the publication schedule, the latter 3 books of the series will likely not be available for formal distribution and purchase until somewhat later in 2020.

With that having been said, as is inevitable in cases like this, a lot of material simply could not be put into the various books of The Future Burns Bright, simply for reasons of space.

You can find one such chapter – which takes place (SPOILER ALERT) after the end of The Future Alight – below.


Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire and The Future Burns Bright

Epilogue : Meet You On The Beach

 finally, I get some quality time with her, mused Billings, as he whispered “taxi” and stepped out of the ink-black-shroud that had been enveloping him, as he stole away from the crowd.

I should be happy
 all those hangers-on up there in the castle could have kept her busy for weeks.

But damn, wasn’t it nice dancing with her
 and letting the kids join us while doing it.

I’m counting my blessings
 that’s for sure.

He had gingerly stepped down the stone steps of Fort Catherine (nearly stumbling and falling prat-over-teakettle at least twice, due to the imprecision of using the heat-seeing-thingie in place of good ol’ Human Mark One eyeballs), toward the immaculate sand-beach upon which now he trod.

Actually, near the top of the stairs, he had gone for a bad stumble; but something innate had kicked in, stopping his fall a few imprecise inches above the very hard stone construction of the fortification.

Couldn’t even see where the floor was, he ruminated,

But somehow
 I didn’t end up on my head, or on my butt.

Thank you, Sari!

Though his hiding-cloak was now defunct, the surroundings were still quite dark; sunset had been about an hour ago, and what little visible illumination was available was provided by the castle’s sparse night-lights, plus the considerable shine of a nearly-full moon, starkly visible high over the horizon.

Billings looked out over Gates Bay and soothed his soul by listening to the low sound of the ocean’s breaking waves. The crests were minimal, as only a light breeze was blowing.

He scanned in every direction. Luckily – other than for a couple of random tourists, who were perhaps 300 feet down the beach to the south – he appeared to be alone.

 after the insanity of the past few months, I needed this, reflected the ex-salesman.

It’s all like a dream
 mostly, a bad one
 except for her, of course.

 and the kids
 Tommy particularly.

Never thought I’d hear myself saying that, considering it was a big part of why Patty and I had to call it quits.

Now, I’ve somehow ended up with a “gf” who snatches kids off the streets of Third World countries and flies them, all under her own power of course, to her own private Batcave, self-hollowed out of Antarctic islands.

Okay, then, Bob
 how’d you pull that one off, again?

Oh, right
 you got tortured, and almost killed.

Other than for “that”
 well, it was a walk in the park!

Now if I could just get a buzz out of the next Piña Colada

This forlorn memory called for a deep sigh, which he did fully aloud.

“You sound wistful, my love,” came a familiar, melodious voice, from nowhere in particular.

“There’s nobody around, honey,” he offered. “You can drop the hidey-thing.”

And in an instant, thus did the perfect-shapely figure of the Storied Watcher appear by his side, as if from nowhere. She was dressed in typically-fetching, diaphanous beach-garb, almost as revealing as a bikini and every bit as stylish and complimentary.

He saw the teenager-cut bang of her almost-white-blond hair, along with its long tresses flowing down her shoulders and back.

Her big, soft, green eyes stared affectionately up at him.

By now, Billings had – barely – figured out how to control himself when she came as close as she now was, with his arm around her upper-body and her head leaning affectionately against his bicep.

It still drove him crazy, though.

It’s pretty dark out here – nobody would see us, if we were to toss our clothes aside and – oh well.

She promised me for later tonight, anyway
 guess I can wait, but a million other men couldn’t

“Truly, this is a gentle time and place,” observed KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “Our brother Alan chose well
 did he not?”

“Umm-hmm,” murmured the ex-salesman.

“You left the kids up there?” he inquired.

“Yes,” she answered. “Whitney and Saquina volunteered to look after them, for the remainder of this evening. So we have this time to ourselves, my love.”

“Damn, Sari,” he said with a grin, “Don’t that sound good, or what?”

 more ‘Eng-lish’ idiom,” she faux-pouted. “May I assume from this that you are happy with our situation?”

“’Happy’ is hardly the word,” he concurred. “It’s not just being here with you. It’s being here with you
 and not having anybody fixin’ to drop a bomb on us.”

He paused for a second, and then asked, only half in jest and with a whiff of nervousness in his voice, “There’s nobody planning to do that
 is there? I mean, the ‘bomb’ thing, that is –”

“No,” she reassured. “The war-children so assure me; and besides, I checked myself, before I came down here. Now
 of course, there is always the possibility that the President, despite his assurances – or some other such miscreant – could have tracked us down, and then directed yet another of these ‘atom-smashing-bombs’ against us –”

A look of alarm showed momentarily on Billings’ face; but it was short-lived, as his distaff companion’s serene demeanor and impish smile, quickly put his concerns to rest.

“They will build more of these hateful weapons, you know,” she commented. “And we will deal with them. You, me, along with our brothers and sisters of the New People – we will do so. Those who mean us ill will soon discover that treachery will fail, and that it will bring ruin to them – and it will not be the end of us.”

“How can you be so sure of that?” he demanded.

“Because I have seen it all happen before,” she softly remarked. “Other times
 other worlds
 perhaps, other dimensions of reality. But it is always the same.”

“Wow,” whistled the ex-salesman. “That’s heavy stuff. Did I mention how you, like, make me feel ‘inadequate’, all of a sudden?”

For a moment or two, the Storied Watcher just flashed one of her entrancing, enigmatic half-smiles at him; but then she responded with, “That is the last word that I would use to describe you, dearest. Already, you are a veritable god among men, though you dare not to admit it, to yourself. We will have to – ahh – ‘work on that’, you know.”

She giggled, girlishly.

“But I don’t feel like a ‘god’, you know,” he protested. “In fact, I don’t even feel like a regional sales manager!”

Again, he heard KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij’s gentle, low laugh.

“Well, Bob,” she offered, “Perhaps when your arts will make some of these ‘floor-tiles’ to glow in the dark – and thus to give off the little-particle-shine – then shall Hugo and his peers give you this ‘promotion’, which is so very important.”

Billings nodded his head in agreement, chuckled, squeezed her waist and murmured, “Yeah.”

For as much as a minute, both just stayed silent, breathing in the salt air and enjoying the touch of half-human-to-alien skin. Their gaze was first cast over the sea, then upon the bright-shining orb of the moon.

“Sari,” said Billings, “There’s something that I’ve wanted to ask you for a while now
 but the time’s never been right
 you know?”

She looked up, her lambent green eyes staring coquettishly.

“Yes?” she responded.

“I’m not sure exactly how to say this,” he haltingly started, “But, well
 do you remember when we first ran into each other – after you had sprung me, Whitney and the kids from the ‘Jesus Jail”? Like, after we – you know – uhh, ‘did it’ in the grass. The first time, I mean.”

 of course I do remember this,” she confirmed, with a sly smile. “For sure, it is a fond memory
 although as I also recall, our dalliance was occasioned by you coming into contact with little specks of my life-blood, which as you discovered, contains a corrosive agent. Commander Sam found out the same, back on Mailànkh – it is a defensive measure, which makes me rather unappetizing to big predatory beasts that would, perhaps, want to eat me. We both know what happened after I had to – ahh – clean this off your lips. Out of pain comes pleasure, in other words.”

“You have a way of saying that,” he commented. “You know I’m crazy about you
 but every so often I gotta remind myself that you and I, we’re really awfully – uhh – different, from each other
 you know what I’m saying?”

“That is true,” conceded the Storied Watcher, “Tommy said much the same thing, when he agreed to let me become his adoptive mother. And I will tell you exactly what I told him : namely, that when beings such as all of us – people who can live with each other and who can love each other, who can suffer fear and loneliness, who can give each other kindness and comfort – who can live and communicate with each other as I am doing with you now
 who cares, if we are technically the same species, or different ones? You are a human; I look like one; and I have accepted you as my mate. What else matters?”

“Yeah,” he acknowledged. “I guess that bridge was crossed a long time ago, but

“Yes?” repeated the alien-girl.

“Listen, Sari
 what I’m try to say, in my own clumsy way is
 I was thinking…”

“Bob,” she gently prodded, “Just tell me what is – ahh – ‘on your mind’. It will not offend or upset me, whatever it is.”

He gave her a pained look.

I already know what you propose to ask, she sent to his mind.

How could I say anything except for “yes”?

“Okay, then,” declared the ex-salesman. “What I wanted to say was, you and I have been through a lot together – a lot more than I’ve ever done with any other, err, human woman; and so I was thinking that maybe we could – that is, we should – formalize the relationship

“Yes?” half-teased KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij.

Her face wore a bemused smile.

 I guess I should maybe get down on a knee…” he stammered.

All of a sudden, she, herself, was kneeling in front of him; but the alien-girl was now down on both legs.

“What are you doing?” asked a perplexed Billings.

“Preparing,” answered the Storied Watcher.

“For what?” he demanded.

 well, Bob, you see,” she responded in matter-of-factual tone, “Where I come from, when a female proposes herself in marriage to a male, she kneels down, as I am now doing. That was what you were thinking of
 was it not?”

For God’s sake, he found himself thinking.

“Look,” he protested, “Didn’t we have an, uhh, agreement, about you reading my mind?”

“We certainly did,” parried KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “But doing so was not necessary in this case.”

“How you figure that?” he continued.

“Would it help to know that I have been ‘married’ to – ahh, let me see – yes – twenty-eight or more ‘husbands’ – and at least three ‘wives’ – in my lifespan so far, Bob?” she remarked. “I have kind of grown used to proposing to a mate
 or being proposed to.”

He sighed.

“Is that your way of making me feel ‘special’?” grumbled the ex-salesman.

“It sure is!” she countered, still on her knees. “Bob – my love – this is the same thing as that which we discussed, back in the Too-sawn shopping-mall. I do not betroth myself to just anyone, you know! I have turned down offers of marriage from more kings and queens, High Priests, Grand Wizards and just rich people – even, one or two mighty demons – than you could easily count. So
 are you ‘special’? You bet, man! You are the only person on this planet, who shall have my hand as my acknowledged mate.”

He was dumbfounded. He couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Bob of Billings, most honored man in the Kingdom of America,” she plaintively asked, with her intimidating (yet, somehow, vulnerable and doe-eyed) presence staring upward, “Will you have me – the Storied Watcher of the Many Worlds – as your wife? Will you cleave to me – to love, to hold, to pleasure and to defend, in good times and bad, until either you or I, shall leave this life?”

Suddenly, the words came back to him.

“Sari – no, I’ll call you by your real name, the one that you came to my rescue by, the one you saved my ass by, God bless you, woman – KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij,” he gushed, while falling to his knees directly in front of her. “Yes
 I will! And will you have me as your husband?”

“Yes – as the stars and the Gods are my guide
 I will have you as my mate, my husband
 my love!” she exclaimed.

Her presence, at this close range, was simply overwhelming.

“Come to me now, man!” she demanded, as a cloak of darkness began to envelop the two.

Somehow he was aware of another energy-field – powerful enough to resist any physical intrusion into the area – extending many feet in every direction.

“Sari,” he ordered, “Open your mouth.”

She complied, and in the next instant when his tongue met her own, he could control himself no longer.

Neither could she.

Billings was secretly elated that – at least apparently – the lovemaking had managed to tire out his alien paramour, whose eyelids were shut as her elfin face nestled serenely and securely under his chin.

Someone had started to play a medley of “oldies”-style tunes, perhaps as background for a dance somewhere inland from the beach. Although these were clearly audible to the alien-powered ears of both the ex-salesman and the alien-girl, mercifully, the volume was still low enough not to trigger bylaw-complaints.

Neither of the two newly-vowed lovers had really been keeping much track of time; but slowly, the Storied Watcher’s hiding-cloak and its associated external force-field had been abating. By now, it was all but gone, so the ex-salesman figured that at least a few minutes had passed by.

He kissed the top of her head and noticed that only her bottom under-garments had been put back on. Her arms were crossed in front; which was fortunate, as she was naked from the waist up.

“You up yet?” he asked.

“I never fell completely asleep,” she disclosed. “But I am contented.”

“That’d be two of us,” he noted. “That was
 ‘wow’, is all I can say.”

A wan smile greeted him.

“’Wow’, indeed,” she echoed. “May all our encounters be so, ahh, ‘torrid’. You know, Bob
 the weirding-arts possessed by some of us – myself and yourself included – can cause a fire to burn very hot. But not even this can exceed the flames of passion
 do you not think?”

“You got that right, honey,” he smugly confirmed.

Her equally-self-satisfied giggling was the proverbial music to his ears; but he was somewhat crestfallen at seeing her top-garment re-enveloping her torso.

“Aww!” pouted Billings.

“Like the rest of my body,” she teased, “My breasts and nipples and other girl-parts are at your disposal
 but let us refrain for a few minutes. Again shall the embers of love flare to incandescence!”

“That’s my girl,” he snickered.

She blew him an air-kiss.

“Nice music,” said KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij, upon hearing the chords and lyrics of People Will Say We’re In Love. “It is well-suited for such relaxing and happy times as these.”

“Yeah,” agreed the ex-salesman. “Sinatra, I think.”

“He is a good singer,” she observed. “His voice is very smooth and precise.”

“He was, like, the biggest thing in America for a while, as I recall,” mentioned Billings. “But now you are.”

Another of her entrancing, girlish laughs met his ears.

 not as a musician
 at least, not yet,” she quipped. “I shall stick to shattering comets and to shrugging off atom-smashing bombs, for the purposes of fame – though not of fortune. I doubt that this ‘Sinatra’ person could overmatch me at those duties
 perhaps it would be rude for me to try to contest his singing.”

“I never mind hearing you – talking, singing, or just those weirdo ‘war-songs’ that seem to be everywhere, when you’re fixin’ to kick some serious ass,” commented Billings. “Especially that last one. Did I tell you, by the way, that when we heard that – down in the dungeon on the island, that is – it was like being shot full of high-test stimulants? The minute I heard it, I felt like Superman, despite being half-dead beforehand. Damn, girl
 if you could record that, you’d be on top of the charts, eternally –”

“Ha, ha,” she gently disputed, “MĂ©tschaì’l does not work that way, dearest; its notes and tones are of the Holy Fire, and they cannot be fully –”

“The ‘what’ doesn’t work that way?” he interrupted.

The background-music had transitioned to that of some other singer, perhaps Bing Crosby.

“It is pronounced ‘mate-sha-eye-el’, as near as I can do in Eng-lish,” she elaborated. “I honestly do not know exactly how it works; but my ancestors told of a blessing that would both empower their descendants – like me – while warning evil-doers that a mighty demon-slayer of the KhĂčl-AlgrenĂ thi’i stands against them –”

“The ‘kool
 what’?” he again interjected. “Oh
 forget it.”

“You really should learn how to say that,” she instructed.

“Why?” he requested.

 you are one now, Bob of Billings,” she disclosed, with a proud but slight nod of her head. “A dread warrior are you – and those who would oppress, steal or kill, should fear your coming!”

“The music’s nice,” he offered, through pursed lips, “But the sound of that’s
 even better.”

They both fell silent for a short while, absorbed in each other’s company and with the relaxing surroundings; then Billings happened to again glance at the moon.

“Sari,” he asked, “Didn’t I hear you saying – okay, I read about it somewhere – that when you were ‘her’
 like, when you were the other ‘you’, I mean
 you were flying around out there? In outer space, I mean.”

“Yep,” she replied.

There was a proud, confident tone to her voice.

“That must, uhh, be quite a ‘thing’,” he advanced.

“Definitely,” elliptically confirmed the alien-girl.

The hit-parade at the far-off dance-floor had, evidently, returned to numbers by “Ol’ Blue Eyes”.

With curiosity overcoming him, Billings asked, “What’s it like?”

“Well, Bob,” stated KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij, “After all
 you, too, have learned how to shrug off the bonds of gravity – that is, to turn them to your own use, and thus to soar into the clouds, here upon this beautiful little blue planet
 have you not?”

“Sure I have
 except it scares me shitless – especially when I look down,” he admitted.

“It is like that – one bends the waves of gravity to propel oneself, although there is really no ‘left’ or ‘right’, ‘up’ or ‘down’, in the empty black void,” she explained, “But one must use the Holy Fire as a substitute for breathable air and – later, in long trips – for water and nourishment. And since the void has next to ‘zero’ air-pressure, it is also vital to employ one’s, ahh, ‘force-field’, to protect oneself from the vacuum’s lethal embrace
 fail to do this, and one’s very blood will quickly boil away, leading to a painful demise. It is scary when one first tries it; but later, it is thrilling because one can travel at great speeds in the void – much faster than in the Earth’s sea of air, where the drag of the gas-molecules slows one down and causes a blaze of incandescent fire, to envelop oneself.”

“That’s one hell of a lot to get right, all at the same time,” remarked the ex-salesman. “Especially
 if you get it wrong – you’re kind of screwed

“That would be a ‘yes’,” she answered, with a knowing smile. “One does not have ‘second chances’ in the void. But one learns gradually; I did not just jump out into it – back on my native world, I tested my abilities by flying faster and faster, higher and higher, adjusting my defenses as necessary. When I had it all, ahh, ‘figured out’, only then did I leave the planet’s atmosphere, entirely. You can do that too, you know. You just need someone to, ahh, lift you up to where you can safely experience it, first-hand.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” stated Billings. “Once I figure out how to – say – get myself from New York to L.A. without paying for a plane-ticket
 maybe I’ll try this crazy stuff you’re talking about. Honestly, Sari
 it all sounds unreal. I mean, if the ‘me’ of a year ago, could hear what today’s ‘me’ is saying

“Well,” she philosophically mentioned, “One Earth year ago, I would have still been lying in the sleep of the ages – only slightly alive – in a cold tomb on Mailànkh.”

 right,” he said. “I had forgotten about that. Want to talk about it?”

“I am not sure that there is a lot to say that you would easily understand,” she evaded.

Despite the disclaimer, her demeanor suggested that, in fact, she did want to discuss the subject.

“You know I don’t want to make you do anything that you don’t want to do,” he pledged, “But come on, humor me
 I’m curious
 what was it like?”

Karéin-Mayréij paused for a second or two, pensively staring out into the distance. Eventually she described,

“It is – was – like nothing to which you – or any previously-human-being – are accustomed, Bob. It is sort of like slumber, but one is actually not asleep; one’s senses are still working to a very limited extent. And time passes very slowly; a minute becomes a second; an hour becomes a minute; a day becomes an hour; and so on. With each passing second, the time-scale becomes different, even more extended
 I honestly do not know by how much. As time passes, it becomes more and more like a dream, and one cannot be sure whether one is even alive any more.”

“That’s crazy,” was all Billings could think of to say. “Does it, like, hurt, or something? If I sleep in too late, sometimes I wake up with a sore back or whatever.”

“Not while I am in this state of, uhh, ‘suspended animation’
 no,” she disclosed. “But when finally I awake, oh sacred stars man, does it ever hurt! Each movement of one’s muscles – that is, what little is left of them – brings agonizing pain, like having one’s arms twisted backwards by a strong opponent, would feel to yourself. Even breathing is like having a huge weight on one’s chest –”

 hey,” he interjected, “If the subject’s too painful, we can just –”

But the alien-girl was by no means finished.

“Do not worry, Bob,” she responded. “It is good that I finally have someone to whom I can entrust this information, you know. It is awfully lonely never being able to talk about it, lest ‘the wrong people’ should overhear, and thus determine a weakness that they can use against me.”

The melodious voice of Frank Sinatra again sounded over the night-time Bermuda beach; the tune was louder now, so that it would be easily audible even to human hearing over the lapping of the waves breaking on the sand.

 another nice song,” remarked KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij. “I really enjoy hearing this man.”

“Well,” he noted, “A lot of it has to do with having good material to work with. Which, he usually did.”

“Ah,” she acknowledged; and then, staring forward as if deep in thought, she went on,

“While I was thus in repose, I remember that my mind went wandering outside my body – perhaps to other places, to other dimensions of reality – and though thus I had many adventures, there was always the fear that I would never again be whole; that is, my mind and body would be hewn asunder by some psychic or mystical mishap. I was on one such mind-quest, when – somehow – I was again as one within the crystal-box that the Old Ones and I had crafted many centuries – perhaps, millennia – earlier, to preserve my physical body as best I could. It was then that I sensed the presence of Commander Jacobson and Professor Tanaka. The rest you know.”

She looked up at him and asked, “Does that answer your question, Bob?”

“I’ll have to, I guess,” he said. “This is, like, way beyond me, but
 the ‘Old Ones’, Sari? What the hell’s –”

 minor demons, even, as you would reckon this,” explained the Storied Watcher. “Nothing that humans of Earth would recognize as ‘living beings’
 their life-essence requires the kinds of senses that now are in your possession, to detect or converse with. Even though in a way they are similar to the life-spirits of my war-children, still did it take me a very long time to learn how to successfully communicate with them. They were on Mailànkh when I first came to that planet; and – as far as I know – they are still there, now.”

“Holy crap!” exclaimed the ex-salesman. “You mean there are Martians –”

“They are on Mailànkh
 that is – or was – true,” she clarified, “But as to whether they are native to that planet, or whether they – like me – came there from somewhere else
 I cannot say. By the way, Bob
 I would prefer that you not discuss this with anyone else, except for Tommy, and then only if he asks. The Old Ones are no threat to the humans of Earth
 but as you have seen from personal experience, their fears and prejudices might drive them to persecute these gentle and ancient beings. I owe the Old Ones a great debt, as they guarded and kept me safe over untold centuries. They are my friends – and I pray that someday, you will make them your own, as well. Oh-kay?”

“You can count on me, honey,” vowed Billings. “But
 wow. I mean
 ‘spirits’? ‘Ghosts’? Can we say, ‘over my pay grade’?”

“No, my love,” she contradicted. “They became, ahh, ‘within your pay grade’, the moment that you first elected to travel with me. Though – I will allow – perhaps you did not completely understand what you were getting yourself into. Ah, well
 life is full of little ‘surprises’
 is it not?”

“There’s the understatement of the Century,” he ruefully admitted. “So far, after hitching up with you, I’ve been turned into a half-alien superhero, been kidnapped, been tortured, had a H-bomb dropped on me, been flown to your little home away from home in the Arctic Ocean –”

“It is in the Antarctic Ocean, Bob,” she corrected. “You know
 the southern polar sea
 not the northern one.”

“Whichever one that would freeze my ass in five minutes, upon going in for a dip,” he parried. “I forgot to mention how I dropped in to the White House, had to deal with yet more nukes and a shoot-out there. Now ghosts and goblins on Mars. Give me strength!”

 do not worry about it, Bob,” cajoled the Storied Watcher. “Once you become accustomed to them – and, they to you – I believe that you would get along just fine. The Old Ones are very wise and patient; but their perspective on life and reality is – ahem – a little different from my own, or yours. You would learn from each other, just like you, Tommy, Elissha and Sayuri have done with my war-children. You should try it
 it would, ahh, ‘expand your horizons’.”

“Ha, ha
 I guess it would,” was all he could think of to say.

Far off in the distance, the alien-girl and her half-human lover could just hear an emcee announcing, “And now, ladies and gentlemen, in a few seconds we’ll play our last number for tonight
 but please don’t forget your personal belongings on your way out and drive safely as you go home.”

“Darn,” commented Billings, “And here I was just getting used to it. Never was much of an ‘oldies’ guy, but still –”

He stopped for a second or two while trying to figure out the first notes of the final song but was taken off-guard, upon seeing the Storied Watcher coming quickly to her feet with an all-too-familiar dim glow in her eyes; but any apprehension that he might otherwise have felt vanished instantly, as he descried an enigmatic smile on her face.

From somewhere behind them came the silken, immortal voice of Frank Sinatra, crooning out that familiar anthem,

“Fly Me To The Moon”.

 what, Sari?” he guardedly inquired.

KarĂ©in-MayrĂ©ij looked kindly – albeit, mischievously – at the man who had undergone so much on her behalf, since first she had chanced upon him.

Her face and body fairly radiated companionship, gratitude, affection and – most of all – a kind of love that none else on this world would ever have, nor would understand.

The alien-girl pointed backward over her right shoulder, at the brilliant orb of the almost-full moon. She turned her head to briefly glance at the heavenly body. Then she again regarded Billings and extended her arms, as if to embrace him.

She arched an eyebrow and winked at Bob Billings, formerly of Tucson, Arizona, but now – as much as anyone could ever be – a citizen and junior guardian of Planet Earth.

“Ready?” she proposed.

“Yeah,” he softly replied, as he fell into her embrace, not even caring that in the next second, he would not feel anything beneath his feet.



A Milestone… Work On The Future Burns Bright, Is Complete!

Well, here we are, nearing that scary date of October 31, 2019… much has been done, but so little has been published! 😉

There’s some great news 😆 … but first, I know that I owe some of you an explanation, and here it is.

In mid-2017, my family and I decamped for the last time from our former home in Brampton, Ontario, leaving for the nice, forested retreat of Bancroft, Ontario (which, for those of you who may not be native Ontarians, lies about 3 hours drive west of Ottawa, just south of Algonquin Park). Bancroft is a wonderful place to live with that real “small town” feel to it, and best of all… there’s no Greater Toronto Area traffic to fight, out here! 🙂

While the move definitely was “the right thing to do, at the right time”, as you can probably imagine, it was very disruptive and time-consuming in many ways, including its effects on my ability to write (which, for a while, ebbed off to “next to nothing”…). This changed in 2018, as we became more settled in Bancroft, and in September 2019, work on the final volume of The Future Burns Bright — entitled The Future Alight — was completed.

I am therefore proud to announce that The Future Burns Bright will begin to be published, and will be available for order from the various sources (e.g. Amazon, iBookstore, Google Books, etc.) in the first half of 2020.

The exact timing will depend on a number of things that aren’t under my control, particularly book cover art, the number of “revisions” that the publishers demand, and so on. The first book of The Future Burns Bright — entitled Storm In The North— will be published (hopefully) in 1Q 2020. So you will be able to find out what happens after the final chapter of The Angel Brings Fire!

I’d like to thank all my readers for their continued interest in, and support of, The Angel Brings Fire and (eventually) The Future Burns Bright, science fiction / modern fantasy / superhero novel series.


Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire and The Future Burns Bright

Book-reading at the Hastings Highlands Public Library

I’m pleased to announce that I will be doing a public book reading (with excerpts from, probably, the first and third books of the series) of The Angel Brings Fire, at the Hastings Highlands Public Library in Maynooth, Ontario, at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 27, 2018.

Here’s the announcement on the Library’s blog, which can be reached at :


ABF Book Reading, Hastings Highlands Library, Oct. 27, 2018

(Note : You’ll have to scroll quite a way down on the Library’s Facebook page, to get to the announcement.)

The address of the Hastings Highlands Public Library is :

33011 Highway 62 North
Maynooth, Ontario.
K0L 2S0

Here’s a map that gives you the general idea :

Where Maynooth, Ontario is (relative to Ottawa)

So come on up to Maynooth on October 27… it will be a nice drive through Ontario’s beautiful fall tree colors, and you’ll get to hear all about the Storied Watcher and her band of superheroes, right from the horse’s mouth!

Hope to see you there!


Marcus Shields

Author, The Angel Brings Fire and The Future Burns Bright